
Was it just false hope???

by  |  earlier

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i took atleast 20 HPT's all but 1 (the FIRST one)with a POSITIVE result.... i went to gyn today... and his urine test was NEGATIVE.. im bummed and dont understand :( anyone ever heard of this before???




  1. Your urine might have been diluted because of the time of day, or if you were drinking a lot of water to try to produce urine for the test. This can happen early on. They should have still done a blood test and if so that will be accurate.

  2. ive never heard of a false positive! I thought that was impossible!? 20 tests is alot to be taking....those things aren't cheap.  Wait until 3 days after your first expected period to test (if you think your preggers), and make sure it is the first pee of the morning(it has the most hormones)

  3. It's very strange to have hpt come back with a false positive, it's more likely that the urine test at the doctor was false and a false negative is much more likely. Book another appointment, make sure you get something to collect your morning pee in (as this is more concentrated and gets a clearer answer) and ask him to test it again. And if it's still negative, as for a blood test.

  4. Hi, when i first found out i was pregnant it was 2 days before my AF was due to arrive, i took two tests and both were positive, i went to my doctor that afternoon and did a urine test with them which to my surprise came up negative.  I was very confused by this, i then went back 4 days later (after another 3 HPT, lol) and sure enough the doctors came up positive.  Apparently HPT are more sensitive than the ones the doctors use.  Good luck, i too am TTC.

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