
Was it just me or was Candice Michelle impressive last night?

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i thought she was pretty good in the ring. mayabe she has been training. if she fights like that every monday i will start paying more attention to the divas




  1. Candice was impressive last night but she always is.Pay more attention to the divias.They have outstanding effort and give them credit for putting their bodies on the line like men do.

  2. Candice was actually released to wrestle from her doctor a few months she has been training so that she could give Beth some competition!  She did look AMAZING in the way she looked, and she did look very impressive in the ring!  A few more moves in your arsenal is never a bad did look like, however, a few of her moves were she just needs to get those perfected and she will be a 'fierce competiter' in the ring!

  3. Impressive..... yes (considering the way she use to perform that left her injured in the first place.)

    Better than Natalia, Beth, Mickie???? noooo way. She is truely a piece of eye candy. And this sexism is what is ruining the WWE womens division altogether. Its totally cool to have beautiful woman in the sport that can wrestle. (take Torrie Wilson for instance), But ever since Stacey Kielber (yes the long leg diva) crossed the audience over from wrestling to prime time.... the WWE has literally scrambled to hire on beauties and teach them basic wrestling skills. This is why the womans wrestling seems as boring as the typical jobbers matches.

    Thats why they really need to bring back the cruiser weight championship and the cruiser weight division.... except make it a cross gender title where men and woman can compete against one another for the belt.  

  4. she was very impressive last. she did good for her return to raw.

  5. Not Bad, still a crappy wrestler though

  6. she has improved alot. that was very impressive returned, She looks HOT as h**l.

  7. Start paying more attention to the divas? Candice is probably better than she was, but have you watched a match with Beth Phoenix.. or Mickie James.. or Natalya.. or etc etc?? There are so many divas that have REAL wrestling talent and yet they get pushed aside for the divas that people deem as "pretty". I guess it just bothers me that so many people are into Candice when there are other people they should reckognize as "talented" and yet they don't because they may not think they're as "beautiful". Candice isn't horrible.. but she definitely shouldn't have another title run but we all know she'll somehow manage to get the win against Beth and be women's champ.

    Someone earlier said that Mickie James gave her a dirty look. Well, if I was Mickie James I'd be giving her a nasty look because it wouldn't be fair and I'd be ticked off. But, that's just my 2 cents. I know a lot of people like Candice.. I just think she's more eye candy than anything else.

  8. no way she was rusty. especially when she hit the tornado ddt on beth Phoenix.

  9. She definetely was better then she used to be. But impressive isn't the word i want to use.. More like.. um Better?

    She still isn't a good wrestler tho..

  10. if you call botching and not connecting moves impressive then okay. But don't' say she had ring rust since she was the same way before injury.

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