
Was it meant for you to hear....?

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If you just happened to walk past a group of coworkers or schoolmates and hear them talking some real negative stuff (flat out lies) about you, would you think that it was meant for you to hear so you'll know who is for you and who is against you? Secondly, how would you respond? Would you confront this person or allow them to continue to talk negatively about you behind your back and potentially turn other people against you for no reason?




  1. I'm usually a very confrontational person and I love to bust people in the act. I would let them know I heard what they said and end all the lies right then and there. (that can sometimes turn out ugly) The other way would be to take it for what it is. You heard what was said, you know it's not true and don't worry about it. I think if people are going to believe c**p that person is saying about you without forming their own opinion, then you don't need them anyway! Eventually the truth is going to come out anyway!

  2. I would confront the people talking, nicely and set them straight very politely. If they are lies, the truth needs to be told.

  3. id confront them an inform them tht ther source of information  had got thngs very rong an if thy need,d 2 no th truth nok my door..

  4. I would have entered the room and looked at their reaction.  Then you would have known if it was for your ears or not.  You should always stand up for yourself - especially when they are lies.  I don't let people talk down about me when I'm around the corner.

  5. i would go over to them and be lik "hey guys! ( optional:i heard my name and some bad gossips)...anything you wanna tell me?" works lik a charm for me. and if they tell me straight out ill be lik"k whtever i got better friends" and if they said"nothing it wasnt about u"ill just either walk away or be lik"then who was it about?" and if they say another person and u KNO u heard their name be lyk"u know gossiping is rlly mean and hurtful"and walk away or if in the begining they say"none of ur business" ill just walk off with a 'whtever' look in my face...alwaaaaays works wit me

  6. Some people are just pure hateful. You must have a lot going for you or they wouldn't do it.

  7. When I was at this horrible place I used to work at, I made a mistake e(it was data entry) and the ofc mgr was complaining about me to her buddy on the other side of my cube loud enough for me to hear and naturally I got upset and was talking to someone else in a conference room and it wound up with ME getting into trouble! I quit soon afterwords, but if someone has a complaint they need to talk to you face to face and to talk to someone else to annoy you is so childish they aren't even worth bothering about.

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