
Was it necessary for the media to give Julius Malema a platform?

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Think of it, what would have happened if the mdia didn't give Malema's "kill for Zuma' prominence. I believe Malema wanted publicity and he got it. Did our media fall for his trap?




  1. Alf said it all. It was not only necessary, but essential for the media to report it.

  2. Starting with Nelson Mandela the ANC youth league has a long history of producing the future leaders of its Party. Given the criminal violence and racial tension in the entire Southern African region it would have been criminal of the Media NOT to have reported him. He is not only fomenting violence but putting your whole Criminal Justice system into disrepute so if Malema wanted publicity he got it but of the kind he would not have wanted. He has been exposed as a semi-literate who at the age of 27 and despite 7 years at High school still cannot pass Matric. Is this what Africans want as a Leader? You already have Zooma who is about to unleash his illiteracy upon you and if what you have in the pipeline to replace him is Malema and Vavi watch International investors pull out of South Africa faster than you can blink an eye.

    You are very fortunate that you have a Media who have not YET been fully emasculated by the ANC and still report on issues in a Western democratic style. When they are eventually restricted in their reporting in typical Communist style is the day you will regret for the rest of your life.

    Pitso - You take the position of the South African Media and State which has been disproven that the International Press print only bad stories about South Africa. Given the recent history of the ANC youth league I am sure that the position as you put it would get wide publicity and if the Senior ANC had any sense they too would leap on the statement and laud it.

  3. The media should report the news, but all the news should be given attention, not just the things that will create sensation and sell the paper

  4. I bought millions and millions of barrels of oil when they cost $60--$100 a barrel. I expect to make a kill when I sell. But right now it’s only $135 a barrel. (Please tell nobody:  one day on Jan. Goldman & Sachs traded so huge volume of barrels, which = US one year's import in volume)

    So here is my difficulty:

    Congress is now investigating on oil speculation, I am afraid of being caught.  But if I sell them right now, I would end up with little or no profit since the trading fees and hedge fund managing cost are not cheap.

    I already request my agents send  the spin out to the media, like: “Oil future looks high, expecting to be in the range of $200 a barrel soon. ”   But it does not work price up as fast as I expected.

    My lobby firm can work Republican party to stall passing the laws, but I am not sure for how long. I am very fearful and worried. So my question is this:  How do I corner the market price up in time so not to get caught by Congress.?

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