
Was it necessary?

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I just started school last wednesday. It's been 7 days and i've already had lunch dentention.Today my cellphone went off in class. There's this guy who sells car insurance, he says i have a car and my insurance needs to be renewed.i'm not even old enough to drive! I've never had dentention until yesterday,Ever. My teacher took my cellphone away, i didn't mind because i know i messed up, but this school is set on rules. Now i have a mark on my permanent record, because of an accident. Was it nessary to make that mark because of a stupid mess up. Plus it was free time, there was no teaching to disrupt.




  1. I've gone through the similiar thing -- still a little bit painful,here is the resource help me out.

  2. Lunch detentions don't generally make their way onto your permanent record. And, although it may not have been necessary, rules are rules and they were trying to be fair.

  3. First, don't worry about it, call it a lesson hard learned.

    Second, the insurance guy that called you, probably just dialed the wrong number, or your number used to belong to some other person whose insurance payment was due, probably lost his old cell phone because of non-payment too.

    From now on, I'm sure you'll leave your cell in locker, or carry it turned off.

    If the school did not enforce these rules, phones would be going off all the time, and distract people from real purpose of education.  Those carrying even "turned off" phones will still worry worrying about missed calls, or getting back to the phone, rather than studying, reading, and paying attention to the reason you came to school.

    These phones are a real nuisance in a safe environment like a school, where you should be more isolated from outside world problems.  

    Texting messages from student to student, also can lead to wild rumors, problems, even violence at school.

  4. Did you know there was a no cell phone rule? If the answer to this question is yes, sorry, you got what you deserved. (this is coming from someone that has no Idea why you need a cell phone on in school?)
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