
Was it proper Etiquette to report me as an abuser?

by  |  earlier

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The question was ask "If you hurt

someone's feelings, do you need to apologize?" I simply

answered "Only if in hurting this persons feelings you had done it with malice, however, you don't need to apologize just because someone has thin skin.". I don't see how this answer Violated any community guidelines. Please explain how it does violate community guidelines and why the answer was deleted and my account was suspended because of this. I filed an appeal and they said it was in violation. How long does this suspension last.




  1. If you're suspended, how did you post the question?

    That being said, it sounds like you do have a valid gripe, I've had several myself with the YA Gestapo, but I never got suspended.  What all do you have to do to actually get suspended?

  2. I bet it was probably a troll who was responsible for this.  That seems kind of strange that they suspended your account for a violation like that.  Suspensions are almost always permanent.  Appealing is usually a waste of time but some people have been successful.

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