
Was it rape?????????

by  |  earlier

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okay so i was about thirteen and me and my friend wen to this dude's house...jus chyllen ..n playin games or wateva...but heres the twist...i ended up high..n a lil tipsy...n it got extremely tooo late 4 me to wal thru the dore or mii moms was going ta call n send me away...dude lets me stay at his house..bah keeps trying to push s*x..(he's 19 at the tyme)i keep saying no...but he keeps saying(im letting u stay in my house I could put yu out)but im still saying no..he keeps pushing the fact n making threats...and trying 2 take advantage ogf a 13 year old i never told anyone this b4...but i think im ready to tell my bf who just proposed about how I actually lost my me




  1. It was rape and if your going to marry your boyfriend you need to tell him the whole story

  2. yes..that was rape..tell your mother that a man did such a devilous act on you...he needs to learn a lesson

  3. Yes it was rape.  Should you tell your boyfriend?  Yes, when you are ready.  Are you ready?  Only you can answer that.  It may bring up a lot of repressed feelings that might ruin the elation of getting engaged or it could open up a whole new level of honesty between the two of you.  It could be benefit to your s*x life, so he knows if you react in a strange way that it is because of your past or it could make him nervous and feel worried about possibly triggering bad memories.  It is a really complicated issue and if you can find a way to get counseling, I def. suggest doing so!

    As for Jen and the others complaining about spelling and writing... get real people, this is not an English assignment, it is a person asking for advice on a website...  your condescending, "holier than thou" attitude makes you look much worse than the person you are criticizing.

  4. Yes it was as 13 is below the age of consent and he was an adult at nineteen. He could have been prosecuted for statutory rape. And no means no at any age.  

  5. I believe that you were raped when you were a teenager, I do believe that you need to discuss this with your soon to be husband.  I think that you should be open and honest with him especially where the issue of s*x is concerned. You don't want him to "trigger" something in you that he is clueless about and to don't want to take anything out on him based on repressed feelings from this trauma.

  6. First off you were 13 and getting high, That was your choice in getting yourself into this perdicament, in the end its not worth it as you can clearly tell, But yes he was trying to take advantage of you, and yes it would definetly be considered rape, Be Smarter next time when choosing who to hang with.

  7. It definitely sounds like you were taken advantage of & very possibly molested. He was 19 afterall & well above the age of majority whereas most 13 yr olds are not. (I mean in most areas of the world).

    I would just be up front with your bf & tell him that it was confusing & you still aren't sure what to make of it but that's what your experience was.

    IF he reallllly loves u, its not going to be an issue.

    But let me say something, if you even ASK if it was rape--well, then it usually is.

  8. wow hmm thats would be hard to believe if i was told that but also shocking but i dont think telling him would be easy.  
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