
Was it right for police to blow Navjot Sidhu's turban off?

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The strange thing is that most of the people who did this to Sidhu were sikh themselves.

Do the sikhs no more respect the turban?




  1. i would like to  tell u that it was not the police which blow his turban off but the cannon of water blew it down,police too did not knew that it can wash out his turban.i would say that act was done unwillingly .and a TURBAN is more than ones family also,whether it is of a common man or any politician.

    as much sikhs respect turban no other can.

    i am a punjabi whan i saw that video it really hurted me that turban of one of the citizen of our country went off.

  2. If an eminent and parliamentarian person like Mr. sidhu can be treated like this by the Police, the plight of common people can well be imagined. There were many other civilised remedies available to the police but to create such scene does not show any wisdom of the Police officers.

    When the police will learn to be diplomatic, show respect to public or have managerial skills to handle such situations.

    I don't think if Mr. sidhu was leading a crowd of goons which necessitate police to act like this. Earlier too the Chandigarh police have been using water cannon to the hapless women protesters in which some women fainted and some's clothes were blown off shabbily exposing them naked.

    The police has found this water canon as if a MONKEY has found  a gun. Bandar ke haath bandook.

  3. This is ashamed and the mirror for politicians even to know how can behave police with ordinary person.

  4. I dont think that it was an deliberate attempt of police to blow siddhu ji's turban.

    His turban blew accidentaly when he came infront of the heavy shower of water. Its not fair giving the whole issue a religional colour. A police is a police 1st then a sikh or hindu

  5. I dont know, I dont wear a turban.

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