I collected my daughter(18 months) in her nursery today and the girl that is usually with my daughter sa they'd been out for a walk this afternoon...KNow they do that from time to time but found out that she had taken my daughter out alone with her to go to the supermarket, 10 mins away, to get her lunch...I was in a rush so had to leave straight away but now that i've had a little think, i don't like it...first of all, im uncomfortable about other people taking my first born out but that is something i have to get over, still the nervy first time mum. But can they take the children out of the nursery like that? We live 5 mins away and i am home with our younger son, and if i had been out and saw her, i thikn i would have freaked out...am i too paranoid or shouldn't they ask us before they plan to take them out?