
Was it right to put him on stage,Did anybody notice how Rudy Giuliani sucked at lying? I saw right through him?

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He spoke some truth but to me he became the first politician that I caught lying multiple times on one speech. Was it right to put him on stage?




  1. He bored me. He spoke about things that he didn't even believe. I do agree he was lying as he did his speech. Also the family values party put him on the stage to represent them. A man who cheated on his wife. And put her through public ridicule. He did do a good job on 9/11 though.  

  2. How many times has he been married?  You better belive if the dems paraded a bunch of divorced/cheating men up there (Giuliani, McCain, etc) that they would be put through the culture war ringer by the right wing.  It was so wrong to put him up there...he lies by opening his mouth.

  3. It's always fun to see a man like that try to keep himself relevant and pretend that he's not part of the East Coast Elite while up on stage essentially vomiting up bile from his self-important, delusional stomach.  A man who chooses to belittle someone who has worked hard for people less fortunate, you know, the very same people he had shooed off the streets of New York so he could make it a prettier, happier place.  How he had time to fit this in while appearing in so many pictures cleaning up rubble (no wait, he didn't actually do much of anything there and his administration and Christie Todd Whitman put many people in danger - good idea putting the disaster emergency response office inside a building which had already been bombed previously!!!!)  Sufferin' suckatash (goofy lisp emphasized)

  4. Whats the matter, there wasnt enough room in the question box to list what lies you are referring to?

  5. Yeah.  

    It's always fun to watch a guy tell you what he thinks after he just spent 50 million dollars of somebody elses money to get one delegate....

  6. And what were those lies?

  7. Wishful thinking, Argumentum ad populum, Bare assertion fallacy, etc, etc.

    Logical Fallacies are a liberals forte. Logic however, is not.

  8. for the party that calls themselves the "party of values", it was an embarrassment. Giuliani and his current wife have six marriages between the two of them. Giuliani's second wife filed for divorce citing adultery as the reason.

    What has happened to the Republican party that they flaunt people like that at their conventions????

  9. He was a bad speaker......I wasn't buying much on what he was saying.

  10. Rudy was by far the worst speaker at their convention.

  11. rudy lies every time he moves his lips. Wasn't it funny how every time he told another whopper he broke out in that into that ignorant little smirk?

  12. You right, if you check the internet you should find out more on

    which lies he told.

  13. A politician lying? How shocking!

    Democrat lies followed by Republican lies. Welcome to politics.

  14. Which lie was that?

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