
Was it smart of Harper to compare Dion to a 16 yr senior statesman and intellectual elite ?

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Harper is insisting on an election - he was wants to march off to the Governor General to ask Her Excellency to dissolve Parliament but he is caught in his own rules - He wanted a fixed date he fixed that date Oct 2009

But then in his new found election mode he criticizes the leader of the Opposition Dion -

By comparing him to an intellectual elite that ran back to back majority liberal governments and held power for 16 years

A leader that didn't just bend over and take it from the Americans a leader that brought the Constitution of this nation home with the signature of Her Majesty in 1982

Was it really a good idea to remind Canadians what we have been missing with this "right wing" say yes to George line up behind the American flag and volunteer for foreign wars spend the surplus of previous liberal governments with one check -

Really you would think that would be the last thing a PM looking for a second term would want to do isn't it ?




  1. Yes,but his judgment is clouded by narcissism, love of Bush, and Religious fundamentalism, and stupidity thrown in A toxic combination

  2. well, what do you expect from him?

    Im sure he is calling the election at the orders of his american bosses - just cant figure out why.

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