
Was it spanish people that found mexico and populated it with their offspring....?

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is that why spanish the 1st language in mexico




  1. though it was 'CORTEZ' who landed in mexico, he was spanish. he explored as far north as new mexico--mabe farther.  about 30 miles north of albuquerque are the ruins of his camp and you can go see them

  2. it was colonized by Spain.....

  3. Yes, Spain conqured the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans. After years they mixed and thus became Mexican. Indian and Spainards mixed as one.

  4. Christopher Columbus discovered Mexico and pretty much the entire contenent

    Although he was italian he was commissioned by the queen of spain who gave him 4 or 5 ships to sail with

    if you noticed everything south of the mexican U S border is spanish with two exceptions being Brazil and Guyana and a few islands

    Once discovered the queen of spain decided to exploit the land and sent spaniards to reap the harvest of the new found world

  5. I am very surprised, because we have to hear the history about how the Spaniards discovered and conquested America thousend times during the school:

    Here is for you:

  6. The Spanish did not colonized Mexico in the way the English colonized the U.S. and Canada.....The Spanish "Conquest" Mexico  and called the new found land New Spain.  this conquest was partialy military and partialy religious. As fervient catholics they also imposed the new religion and their language to the natives, they also baptised the natives with  "Christian names" and got rid off their native "savage names" only some few noble aztec names were kepted like Moctezuma, Acatitla, etc......There were Spanish  people coming to the new world, but never in large numbers, so they mixed with the natives; at the same time the catholic church saw that as "sinful" so they created a kind of Apartheid system called Castas, that divided the colony according to the amount of white blood you have in your gens; the more white blood you have the better rights you have under the spanish colony law.

    By the end of the Spanish colony Mexico was divided in

    55 % of Native American nations ( consider underage or retarded by spanish law)

    30% of Mestizos, Mulatos and other mixes called Castas

    ( With limited rights, one for example, for the Mestizos (50%white 50%  Native American) was the right to ride horses and be free to roam about any where, they were the roots of all the cowboys in the continent).

    10 % of criollos or white mexicans born at American soil.

    4% of Spanish born in spain

    1 % of Black population slaves mostly.

    The only place where this conquest, was unfinished was the norther desertic states of mexico and what is now the south west of the US.  where natives make h**l to both military and clergical intents to conquer the land....

  7. There were of course a lot of native tribes in the area, but Spain invaded in 1519 and took the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan in 1521, with the help of the Aztec's main enemies, the Tlaxcaltecs.

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