
Was it supposed to be an insult?

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In an email from another Y!A member, I have just been referred to as a "{p***s} sucking w***e of Babylon".

But I've never even been to Babylon. Was it an insult or a case of mistaken identity?




  1. Was the emailer from the R&S forum?  Because "w***e of Babylon" or "great harlot" is found in the book of Revelation, where she is a symbol of Roman wealth, luxury and power that is judged and comes tumbling down.

    There's nothing about her sucking c*ck however.

    I've got to admit that I don't find that part an insult!  I mean, I think it's kinda cool, actually!  Guess it just shows how bad a harlot I really am.  Maybe the email was meant for me? ;)

  2. Lol I hope it wasn't just random like

    cowboy= "hay"

    random= "yo, *****"

    cowboy= "I like teh cheez"

    random= "p***s sucking w***e of babylon"

    cowboy= "is that a type of cheez?"

  3. You don't look Mesopotamian, but I'd be willing to bet you're once fierce sucker in the bedroom.

  4. Wow, I wouldn't felt insulted with that.

    Babylon guys, dark, tall, and handsome.

  5. No mistake,its a insult

  6. i find it insulting when ppl acuse me of being fake.

  7. don't worry it was probably a stupid insult from someone

    and it wasn't an insult if u didn't feel insulted

    and remember in this world we are all prostitutes

    but u are truly a queen


  8. I think it is inappropriate to suggest that someone is Babylonian if they don't know that for sure.

  9. If somebody called me that i would take it as a compliment.

  10. LOL thats funny i hope you said yes did you want some?  

  11. lol that made me giggle, insult him back :)

  12. That's amazing...and here I thought I was the w***e of Babylon!  

    It must be mistaken identity or maybe that youre the {p***s} sucking w***e of Babylon and I'm the {mittlicking} (LMFAO) w***e of Babylon!


  13. Couldn't call it an insult, could only call it lame.  

  14. It's only an insult if you feel insulted.

    And if it wasn't so funny it would be tragic.

  15. lol who have you upset?

  16. I would say it was am insult . But maybe it was a mistaken identity. you need to ask them about it e-mail them and ask.

  17. LOL - Yep.

    You've obviously been marmalised. Duffed up. Trounced, pummelled and battered to bejeebus by that insult.

    You should go public with the name of the sender; if you don't they'll think they can get away with it all the time.

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