
Was it the 2 Ronnies that did the sketch about the tall looking down on the short and the short looking up?

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to the tall. remember " I look up to him because....

and....... " I look down on him because "

It may have been some other show can you remember?




  1. Definitely was. John Cleese was the tallest guy. It's a VERY important sociological sketch and I would highly reccommend that anybody who has not seen it, should find it SOON.

  2. Yes, the sketch in question came in a TV show called Frost over Britain.  Here it is. . . .

  3. Yes, the original gag was Barker and Corbett, joined by John Clease. I like this a lot as it had three of my favorite funny men all in one sketch.

    What a lot of people may have missed is that the Ronnies reunited in 2000 and did a really neat update on this gag. Stephen Frye is in the spot that John Clease was orignally.



  4. Yes it was the two ronnies along with john cleese.

    Here's a link

  5. It was Ronnie Barker, Ronnie Corbett and John Cleese - From a short sketch on the Frost Report

  6. Yes, along with John Cleese. It was a sketch in the Frost Report

  7. It was the two ronnies but it was on the Frost report - the tallest guy in the sketch was John Cleese

  8. It pre-dated "The Two Ronnies" show and was, in fact, the first time they had been paired up, although not as a double-act (which they never were anyway). The sketch you refer to, in which they appear with John Cleese, was from "The Frost Report".

  9. Yes it was, they had John Cleese doing the really tall one.

    Classic comedy.

  10. It was originally from a classic David Frost Show sketch from the 60s.

    Picture the scene. Standing, left to right, are John Cleese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett.

    Three Men on Class



        (In bowler hat, black jacket and pinstriped trousers) I look down on him (Indicates Barker) because I am upper-class.


        (Pork-pie hat and raincoat) I look up to him (Cleese) because he is upper-class; but I look down on him (Corbett) because he is lower-class. I am middle-class


        (Cloth cap and muffler) I know my place. I look up to them both. But I don't look up to him (Barker) as much as I look up to him (Cleese), because he has got innate breeding.


        I have got innate breeding, but I have not got any money. So sometimes I look up (bends knees, does so) to him (Barker).


        I still look up to him (Cleese) because although I have money, I am vulgar. But I am not as vulgar as him (Corbett) so I still look down on him (Corbett).


        I know my place. I look up to them both; but while I am poor, I am honest, industrious and trustworthy. Had I the inclination, I could look down on them. But I don't.


        We all know our place, but what do we get out of it?


        I get a feeling of superiority over them.


        I get a feeling of inferiority from him, (Cleese), but a feeling of superiority over him (Corbett).


        I get a pain in the back of my neck.

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  11. John Cleese, Ronnie Barker & Ronnie Corbett. It was on TW3 in the sixties.

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