
Was it to embarrassing for....?

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Was it to embarrassing for an applicant to apply for several companies but didn't pass any of it and still keep on applying?




  1. Might be embarrassing to you, but to them its just persistence.

    Admirable quality to have in life if you ask me.

    Shows determination.

  2. I applied to a company about 4 times before I was hired. They finally said they would hire me for temporary Christmas help (right before Thanksgiving), and would let me go in January.

    I was there for 7 years.

  3. To just keep bothering people is not the way to get the job.  

    1. You apply.

    2. You follow up to find out if the position has been filled.

    3. You can continue to follow up once a week until you here that the position has been filled.

    4. Once it has been filled you can send your resume every 6 months or so, with a cover letter explaining that you've done some research on their company and it looks like a great place to work.  You are submitting your resume in hopes that they will consider you for any upcoming openings because you feel that the company would be a great fit for you and you could be a good addition to their team.

    This is a much more professional way to be "persistent" than continual nagging.  That just makes people angry.  These people have work to do and eventually if you keep bothering them when they're trying to work they'll just start throwing our your applications/resumes in the garbage.

  4. No, if you're rejected, try to apply to more companies to find your luck. Never give up! That's life!  For sure, you will get one IN GOD'S TIME :)

    Take care and GOD BLESS!!!!

  5. Not at all.  It can be very hard to find a job and you can put in tons of applications before finding a job.  The workforce is a tough place with a lot of competition so it can take a while.

  6. You should apply until you get an interview, it isn't embarrassing if you really want it.

    It's persistent... just don't let it become stalkerish lol

  7. No!

    Never Give Up!

    Everyone Starts Somewhere!

  8. Good job keeping it up! It may seem like the worlds stacked against you, but keep going bro! That shows them you've got determination, and you're not a quitter. A+++

  9. it isn't embarrassing, just think of it as an EXPERIENCE...

  10. Even if you never get an interview you are still being annoying and that is what really counts

  11. I don't think it's embarrassing, the organization I work in at the minute didn't accept me from first time, I applied here for four times!

    while I was applying I had applied for 7 other organizations! Until I got the job.

    Don't give up! Best of luck <3

  12. Of course not!

  13. erm no.

    so waht do you wanna do?

    wait and let the company invite you to work?

    course u ahev to keep applyingg!!

    pluck up ur courage

    and GOOD LUCK

  14. What??? BWA??? apply once, they say no, move on to next place.

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