
Was it to soon to tell my daughter?

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Hi, I am 15 weeks pregnant and my husband and I decided to tell my daughter Kayla about the baby. She didn't quite understand but we bought her a book to describe it. Also we bought her the Barbie that is pregnant. Do you think it was to soon? Should we of done it differently?




  1. well u shudnt expect ur kid to understand preganancy...birth....death....marriage.... that, anyway the barbie might have a wierd effect on her "opinion" and thots.....although its ok, u cnt jus tell her sth like.... look, u got a brother/sister, she wil ask how......u cnt say look wt i found on the street, right next to wer i found u....jus tell her its her sister/brother, she cnt ask how...cuz their like related, she cnt ask why...cuz she the wud b related

    anyway good luck :)

  2. well wehre babies come from is different depending on age...but that she's having a baby bro or sis, u should tell her that all the time, just so she gets accustomed to the idea n looks forward to the day she comes

  3. I am not even sure why this should be a question. Let me tell you as the mother of 7 children, from 4 to 18, I don't believe in lying to your kids. They rely on you for the truth about life in order to be successful, even at your young daughter's life. I think you should get her as excited as you and your husband must be. It is a blessed and happy time-share it with everyone who will listen. Congrats on your future addition!  

  4. How old is your daughter? Is she at an age where she will really understand it at all? Or will she better understand it when your belly gets a little bigger?

    Whatever is right for you and your husband. Kids are great. Keep things simple and straight to the point. Read her the book a few times and maybe pick up one about being a big sister. And how much fun and what comes with being a big sister.

    Congrats! :)

  5. How old is she? you didn't tell us that. if she is real young, she may not understand it until the baby is actually coming, or there. keep talking to her about it and she will get it soon.

  6. No that was good timing.

    I don't know about the Pregnant Barbie part though.


    This is a movie that I bought for my son. It was very educational and fun for him to watch. He is only two, and I told him the second we found out. He kisses my tummy and points to the baby, but I know he has no clue what's coming. I think kids need the time to be reminded day after day. But, she probably will not know exactly what to expect until the baby arrives. Good luck and Congratulations on the pregnancy.

  8. yeah its ok  to tell her its fine she is probably happy she is getting a little brother/sister!!!

  9. even if she is feeling confused take her to wal mart and buy her a "I'm the big sister" shirt and try to biuld up her confidence and make her feel important. she will get super excited in no time.

  10. I think it was a good time to tell her, because now she has a lot of time left to get used to the idea.  Also, I didn't know they made a pregnant Barbie...thats...odd lol I think you are doing a good job of trying to help her understand.  As time goes on I think she will start to grasp it.  My niece didn't understand that me and my sister were pregnant, but towards the end of my sisters 2nd pregnancy she started saying "Baby Zanna is in mommy tummy!" (She was only 2 years old) So I think your daughter will start to understand!  Though now, any time I point to my stomach and say "whats that" she will say "Baby Maddie is in LaLa's tummy!" Its cute, even though its been 10 months since I had my daughter lol

  11. we told our dd we were expecting at 13 weeks after scan, she was 22 mths, but she understood fully, we kept telling our dd and showing her scan pictures and took her to 20 week scan, which she really enjoyed, i think it was fine to tell her, will give her time to get used to the idea, just keep talking to her about it and involve her in choosing things for the baby.  

  12. Genrally its safe to tell kids once you are beyond the risk of misscarige. So your good.

  13. No the sooner she is told the longer she has to adjust. Just be sure to include her and tell her how important it is to be the big sister. My daughter was only 25 months and did just fine when her sister was born. A good trick also is to say "see how fast you can get a diaper and get back here" once the baby is born, she was obsessed with being fast and it made her feel very important to be such a speedy helper LOL

  14. we told my then 3 year old and he got excited and then kinda forgot about it. i was just pregnant forever to him, then all a sudden he had a baby brother. It wasnt too soon or the wrong way, there isnt really a proper way or time to do it, if she gets it or if she doesnt she's understand when you bring baby home (or not, and she'll want you to bring it back :)

  15. I think it's a good time.  I'd keep reminding her that there is a baby coming every day.  "Do you think the baby would like this shirt or this one?"  "When the baby comes, it will almost be halloween.  What do you think the baby wants to be for halloween--a pumpkin or bat?"  Get her involved so she feels that this is her baby, too.  Let her go to the U/S if possible so she can get a sense that this is real and let her see with her own eyes that there is a baby.  Good luck, and congrats on your pregnancy!

  16. Sounds like a safe time to tell her!

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