
Was it wise for HIllary to take the advice of her advisers who gave her the thumbs up to dis creationists?

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In Hillary's interview with the New York Times she expressed SHOCK that some Senators did not believe in evolution and gave arguments that sounded like they came from a 6th grader, citing no arguments that a studies modern creationist would use. One would assume correctly she is familiar with none of them but willing to put down creationists based on a shallow understanding.

Is it an example of Hillary displaying bad judgment taking the advice or her advisers giving her bad advice or both




  1. Hillary will know the answer next time it comes up if she didn't already at the time of the question.  By the way, evolution and creation need not be considered in opposition to one another.

  2. We thank you anti-science knuckledraggers. We'll take the votes of the educated. The Republicans can have the rest.

  3. Sure it was wise... 82% of Americans believe in evolution and 43% of that 82% believe in evolution in combination with Christianity.

  4. My guess is that her advisers told her that the vast majority of the voting population agreed with her and were not creationists.  Unbelievably, people agree with solid science.

  5. If she is criticizing creations, who will she criticize next?  Flat earthers?

  6. Evolution and Creation work together beautifully.

    I am sure there is a God that created all that is, what ever his name is. There is to much order in the universe for all this to have just happened.

    If you look around you can see evolution at work all around us.

    The Bible tells me that God created Heaven and Earth it doesn't say how he did it and who are we to start telling God how to do his job.

  7. Well I would express shock too . . . these same politicians are vested with the responsibility of voting on issues of scientific and environmental policy and dealing with facts.  

    If they're running around casting votes while thinking the earth is a mere 4,000 years old and dinosaurs roamed around while Moses was delivered tablets, what's to stop our entire foreign policy from being based upon some lunatic idea that the end times are near and we're supposed to engage in some kind of nuclear Armageddon to force Jesus to show his face again and rapture up the believers?

    In the meantime, stem cell research grinds to a halt and all you sufferers of disease that might be relieved by such research's results should just suck up and git right wit religion (the right religion, none of those fakirs).

  8. Hillary voted for war in Iraq then later said she would not have voted that way if she knew then what she knows now. She then admitted she had not taken time to read the intelligence reports on Iraq but rather took the information from her aids. This lack of judgment and responsible decision making has cost thousands of American lives in a war we should never have been in. We are now involved and have little chance of getting out without causing even bigger problems. Hillary has offered to give U S citizens a thousand dollars to start saving accounts with - poor judgment again; she thinks she can buy her way into office. She reminds me of the old saying, “If you can’t baffle them with brilliance, dazzle them with BS”!

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