
Was it wrong I lied to my Son about taking him to see the Dark Knight?

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I took him to the theater to see the movie and bought Dark Knight tickets but went into a theater showing Mama Mia and now he thinks Batman is g*y, not that there is anything wrong with that, so should I take him to see Batman tomorrow??? He is only 8. Thanks!




  1. well let me give you a good idea,you dont dissapoint your kid take him if the theatres alow him but close his eyes when joker is in a nurse dress and when harvey dent shows his two face so it would be like overall you have to close his eyes for about 10 minutes then and there .im 24 i went to a night show on friday ,honestly i dint get my sleep till morning 5 . on the whole this is a masterpiece movie one of the best movie hollywood have ever produced. christopher rocks! eventhough he is a brit.

  2. I would. It would probably be helpful for trust reasons. I think thats awful to build someones hopes up. Like saying your going to Disneyland and you end up going to a gas station near disneyland. But be careful. I just recently saw that movie and it was a little scary. He might be better off thinking that Batman is g*y.

    (They were both good movies though!)

  3. lol, yes take him, his mates will think he's will think he's stupid when he starts relaying the plot to them ,and realise he went to see mama mia,,how cruel!!!!'s a 12a, just means it's recommended for children 12 upwards, it's upto the parents discretion, same with the Potter films!!!

  4. are you dumb??? your kid is 8, he doesnt think batman is g*y! but shame on you for not telling him the truth...

    kids are ppl, you lie once, they lose respect and wont believe you the next honest with him..

  5. Woah! ok dude first off I think the dark knight is like comepletely Dark and Evil. And I dont think you want your son to grow up with that. Do you?  And Second You should'nt lie to your own child. Just say that " I'm sorry but dont I want to see it that day. maybe some other time".  

    The thing is you dont wanna lie to your child or he will never have any trust to you. And that is one of the most important things your child should have!

    Hope I helped!

  6. I think it was wrong that you lied to him... I personally don't think it's right.  I would tell him the truth about it.

    Also, I'm not sure that I would take him to see that movie.  There is a whole lot of violence for an 8 year old . . .

  7. well if he has seen the preview for the dark night he'll clearly know you lied so just let him mention it and if not let it go

  8. Lol you did exactly what you shouldnt do to your child...which is lie to them about something not worth losing their trust over...Once he finds out the truth...which he will... He will never forget...I still remember all the messed up lies my parents told me...Alteast, hes on his way to be a troubled little villain :) j.k but yeah tell him you were trippin and take him to see the real batman

  9. Dude of course lying is bad. Why would you think of that? Can't believe you said that your son think batman is g*y. Do you ask that on Yahoo answer cause you were curious. I mean think about if you ask question like that, people would hate you for that. I not insulting you or anything, think about the people who tried to do a lot of bad stuffs to you. The movie is too violent for such an 8 year old to see. would your children like it. that means no. Tell the truth. The ten commandment say that "thou shalt not lie".

  10. You should not take him to see batman,  go to yahoo kids and check out what critics and even Christian Bale say about the age that is appropriate for this movie.  12 and up.  

    If he really thought mama mia was batman, then you should check is IQ, stop taking him to movies and read books to him.

  11. lmao i saw both of those movies this wknd and mama mia would definely make anyone think batman is g*y lmao but Batman is wayy to intense for an 8 yr old... seriously it was pretty scary i mean the joker violently kills ppl all throughout.

  12. ....well.....i'm not saying anything to make you mad or angry or disgruntled. though children should learn that there is disappointment in life, you should try and take him. though if he refuses then don't take him.

  13. NO WAY! Mamma Mia was defitnately not for kids under 10 and The Dark Knight is also not really for kids under 9 or 10! It doesn't matter what he thinks, just choose an approriate movie for an 8 year old. [NOT MAMMA MIA OR DARK KNIGHT]

  14. Yes, you were wrong to lie to your son because children live what they learn(that is learning how to lie from their parent). At least you have a conscience or you would not have asked, just let your son know that he is too young to watch batman at this age.You are the one to set the limit on what your son is allowed to watch. Good luck on coming clean.

  15. yes.......u shud go 2 the dark knight n he will get usd 2 violens n e way as long as u parent him rite n u r in ful kontrol.......then he wont turn violent

  16. No offense at all, but I laughed out loud upon reading "Now he thinks Batman is g*y"...

    I think that it was wrong you lied to your son, however, I think that you should explain to him that you lied or whatever happened, and you two went to go see a different movie, and that Batman is not g*y.

  17. Yes you should never lie to your kids. Its going to come back to bite you in the butt. And I took my 3 year old to see Batman and he loved it. And to make him sit thru mama mia wow that was a double wammy

  18. Yeah, i would say you should take him.

  19. LOL...Mama mia here we go again, my, my, why are you so serious! ahhhh... but no, tell him you lied, but don't take him to see it, its too mature for him, just het him the old batman cartoons

  20. Batman is border line rated R.

    Mamma Mia is PG-13.

    He's EIGHT dude.

  21. Always remember, what comes around goes around. You lie to him today, who knows tomorrow he could lie to you.

    Our kids learn from us!!!

    The movie is violent, I would think twice about it. It's your call, you are the parent! You are the only one who really knows your son.

    good luck

  22. That's really wrong! You got his hopes all up. He's not stupid! But that movie would give him nightmares probably anyway. Some parts are really graphic! You should still tell him you lied to him.

  23. Are you trying to PUNK US????? It May have worked on your son, then again at 8 years old he must have thought you were off your rocker!!!!! Did that truly work????  You already know the answer to this one...That was wrong and real self fish of You!  Shame on you.......Wow that was truly creative!!!!!

  24. It was wrong to lie, but he should see batman when he's a little older. The movie was surprisingly scary in some parts.

  25. Of course it was wrong that you lied.  That movie is way too violent for an 8 year old.  I can tell you didn't want him to see it because you pulled the old switch on him, so be a GOOD father and tell him to his face that he can't see it yet because he's not old enough.  Why are parents afraid to tell their children no?  It's your job it!  

    You'll be happy you did.

  26. O.K. It really is bad that you lied to your son, but it was good that you did.

    This movie is PG-13 for a reason, and is actually very innapropriate. This Joker, (Heath Ledger R.I.P.) is a very serious, mass-murderous skitzophrenic clown with absolutely zero empathy.

    It's a very violent movie and you should be glad you didn't take him to see this movie.

  27. Duh, it was wrong. The kid is eight and you told him he was seeing a movie with Batman it and instead you only thought about yourself and made him sit through a musical. So, first you owe him an explanation, then you should not only see Dark Knight with him, but also let him rent whatever mvie he wants and you should be forced to sit through it.

  28. That is just WRONG. If i was eight and watched Mamma mia instead of the Dark Knight, i'd feel really depressed. Not even that but Mamma Mia IS g*y. I feel so sorry for your son. I would take him to watch the Dark Knight.

  29. Ouch; you probably shouldn't have lied to him. You have to consider that he has more than likely already seen some kind of batman show on tv. Now, he may be confused.

    I would just sit down and tell him that you didn't feel like the show was appropriate so you lied, but now you feel bad because lying is wrong.. and apologize for lying.

    The show really isn't all that bad though. I mean, a few parts might be a little too "mature" for him, but as long as he could take a little violence, I think he would be just fine. If not, maybe you should just explain/tell him that the show is not age appropriate, and rent another batman movie from the rental store. Bringing him to the theater tomorrow is up to you, but it would probably be better if he could distinguish Momma Mia from Batman...

    Good luck

  30. Yes that was wrong.  It's really not fair nor nice to get him excited about something, make it seem that you are going to do something for HIM and then turn all selfish about it and instead serve your own interest.   That being said, my understanding is that Dark Knight is really not appropriate for kids anyways.  You should apologize to him (yes because he's going to figure it out and you don't want him following a selfish example) and agree to take him to a more age appropriate movie.

  31. Ehhh, this Batman had some scenes I would defenetely not recommend and 8 year old see.  Impressive and shocking scenes, but none-the-less violent.  This movie wasn't really like the others, and the new Joker is much more frightening & convincing than the last silly Joker.

    And TwoFace might give a kid that age nightmares, his face is very graphic.

    You shouldn't have lied to him,

    but you did right by not letting him see the movie.

    Plus, he's too young to appreciate the themes of the movie,

    About people destroying eachother for personal survival, or to understand the Jokers motives.

    There is a lot of (creative) violence that a child that age shouldn't see.

    The movie will always be around for him to watch when he gets older.

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