
Was it wrong of me to call the police about some homeless poeple occupying and abandon school next to my place?

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I just called the police because there is a group of squatters (homeless) in a building right outside my apartment and now I feel bad. I only did it because I fear they have easy access into my apartment through a window and I have lots of expensive electronics that are easy to steal. I don't know if they ever would and I kind of enjoyed listening to them play the guitar here and there but I pay 1000 a month for a 1 bedroom, why do they deserve a whole building for free?




  1. well no its not your fault .. they could go to a homeless shelter where they will be feed and given new cloths .. its kinda wrong but still  .. :))

    hope this helps :))  

  2. I would feel bad, but yeah, I probably would have done the same thing.  You have to protect yourself and your home.  They are homeless; they will find somewhere else to be homeless, they are used to it.

  3. In my city, a homeless couple was staying in an empty warehouse.  They lit a fire and it got it of control, and they left.  Somebody told the Fire Department that they were there, and they went in after them.  Six of them died.  It's dangerous to have people in abandoned buildings.  

  4. They don't have the right to be on another's property, so good on your part. But, maybe you could do something for them. You know, contribute to you town's homeless shelter, or something like that. Even give them a couple of bucks if you see them around, tell them to get something for themselves.

  5. ur f'ed

  6. They shouldn't be in an abandoned building. You did the right thing. There's homeless shelters out there they can go to. If you didn't call the police, I'm sure someone else would have anyway. If you let them go and stay in the school without calling it in, there would be more and more of them down there until they completely take over the block

  7. If your there........I mean what is your mum went in the building next door or your idol, would you think they were going to break in? Stereotyping is wrong.

    EDIT//I'll make sure to call the police whenever someone walks by my house, they could be a druggie. Just because your a low class doesn't mean your a druggie.

  8. Well.. imagine if you were a homeless.. thats how you will know if you were wrong.. But paying $1000 for a 1 bedroom! Thats almost how much we pay for a 3000 square feet house loan here!

  9. thats really messed up, youve got it all backwards, your perception is skewed  

  10. yeh you made a pretty good chose. I would feel weird also if they were there

  11. I probably would have done the same gotta look out for yourself, protect yourself.

    I would feel bad too though, thats kinda their home now, you never know what someone has been through.

    Hard situation

  12. Don't worry, they'll be back...

    and looking for the person that narc'ed on them

  13. well it was for a selfish reason but no

    i would get pissed if they had easy access to my appartment

  14. No I think you did the right thing.  They would've accidentally set the building on fire while you were sleeping and it could possibly go to your apt. then everyone would be sol. I know you feel bad but in the long run it was the right thing to do.  peace

  15. NO it wasn't wrong. Squatting is illegal and can end in alot of property damage.

    Also, there are homeless shelters out there.

  16. i think that you need to take a day and associate with a homeless person, or even a few. i think if you did that you would realize that they are generally not hostile or thieving, and if they were, they probably wouldn't be homeless. homeless people ask for money. i've never in my life had a homeless person threaten me, or try to take anything of mine, and i've been close friends with homeless people. i think what you did was wrong, but i realize that you only did it because you've never really known the homeless. maybe you could make it up by giving up leftovers one night, or sparing a couple bucks. you'd be surprised how gracious and thankful they would be.  

  17. 1000 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment where is this california? thats so high most people i know pay about 800 dollars a month for a mortgage on a 2 bedroom house

  18. Hmmm... I think I understand. I know the fear have having something stolen, and even worse a break in on your home which is one of the scariest things that can happen.. I know to you, paying 1000 bucks each month while they get it for free seems unfair, but you have to remember that they are homeless, and I think anyone, even if they got themselves in to it, don't deserve to be homeless, its humiliating and basically your only real goal is to get enough money to eat, and maybe get some shelter for the night... It was your problem, so it was your call, I might have let them stay out of pity, but im sure they will muddle through.

  19. you did the right thing. bums need to be cleared out..they could be doing drugs, and if there are kids around..could step on a used needle. they could be child molesters, criminals, never know. i know i know..anyone could be..but normally homeless people are drug addicts, alcoholics etc

  20. i would have because you never know what kind of homeless person they could have been.. because some are kind of nice but others just will steal because its in their nature.. don't feel bad.  its better that you did then for something bad to happen to you.  Also maybe the police can show them a shelter or somewhere else for them to live and for how much you are paying.. you shouldnt have to put up with that.

  21. yes unless they r trying to harm u

  22. No good decision on your part.

  23. Well. Sorta. I mean if you were honestly worried about the safety of your property and yourself - then you did the right thing.

    But if you did that because you don't think they deserve to stay in a building for free - then thats horrible.

    I work with the homeless, and while it is true that many of them are homeless because they spend money feeding their addictions, many of them are also just down on their luck. Alot of the time the place where they work closes down and they have trouble finding a new job. Their not all horrible people. If it were me I would have found out more about them before I did anything like that.

    But I understand that its not like typical for normal people to get to know the homeless. They do look intimidating sometimes. [=

    But like I said. It depends on what you were thinking when you called.

  24. yes and no!

    no, because homeless people have no where to go, hence there homeless. so a roof over there head is probably like a luxury to them.

    yes, because they may have drugs or sell them. or even worst make it there. it attracts bad people in your neighborhood and yes they could steal other people's stuff and yours. possibly be even physically violent.

    so i would say you did the right thing but i would still feel guilty!

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