
Was it wrong of me to phone the Caxton Hotel in Brisbane last night to boast about the game?

by  |  earlier

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I know it was childish, but after quite a few drinks and winning the "pick the score" competition, i couldn't resist!

In bad taste, the young lady behind the bar i spoke to said she wouldn't "turn" for me, when i asked her to repeat after me "GO BLUES", so i asked her if she would bend over instead. Was that just in bad taste, if you read this love I apologise. GO BLUES!




  1. lol, you're lucky you were'south of the border' at the time, or they would've hunted you down & painted you maroon!

  2. No, that in my mind is considered legendary.


  3. good work wish i was there to hear it

  4. LOL! haha, mate, it was most probably wrong...but all the best stories never involve being goody two shoes.

    just remember, it ain't over yet - bragging is best done when you can't be forced to eat your words...

  5. Not at time you tell them you represent the Premiers Office for NSW......they have a history of betting on Origin games.

    And congrats on the "pick the score"

  6. LMFAO!!!!

    What  a pissa...

    Sorry but yeah it was proberly the wrong thing to do,but hey you were celebrating,i feel sorry for the chick behind the bar..

    She was proberly cursing you for hours and hours...

    But hey how many of them fellas have proberly donr the same to you guys in NSW after their wins?...

    I rekon even Wally Lewis would like that

  7. Depends if you've got the balls to stand so tall when you're team isn't so fortunate. If you stand by your team win or lose, then it's all good. If you are the type of person that turns the tv off or leaves the ground early when the game is lost, or skulks away when Maroons are giving you grief, then it would be deemed pathetic.

    Bad taste Hmmm??? I'd say lucky it was a bar maid, cause she's probably use to lonely drunk guys and pathetic lines.

  8. hahaha thats quality... get this man a new!

  9. Why didnt I think of that.

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