
Was just trying to load my crossbow and ive shot myself in the chest?

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can i fix this myself, i dont want to be near the law at the minute. it went nearly right through.




  1. Put a plaster on it or else when you have a drink it will overflow.........and stop playing with your toys without a responsible adult present!!  Lol x

  2. t**t !

  3. ouch!!!!!

  4. Well Ptolemy, looks like you are a goner.

    I guess it is good you were not using a blowgun.

  5. Why? why do you ask these questions? I just answered your water question... though I still like the hat.

  6. I have an image of you being that guy from sin city that gets shot with an arrow in the chest lol!

    I think you're closer to death than the law so I wouldn't worry about that. :P

  7. Just carry on asking questions on here for a few more hours and the pain will go away!!! Then whoever finds you can call the morgue!

  8. eh..have you gone insane.

    get to casualty NOW...and just tell them you fell onto a sharp object.

    Or you could move it.

  9. Do tell

    william Tell?

    Call 1-800-Tards-R-Us

  10. Next time try not to miss a vital organ

  11. go to a hospital

  12. are you alive?

  13. Can you see the other end of the arrow?.

  14. Ha ha hope you live to tell the story

  15. You mean you missed?

  16. Pull the arrow out from your chest and stick it in your brain, then mix it a little bit and may be then your brain will start working.

  17. So you are typing with the arrow protruding from your chest?  Hey, try to type using the arrow.

  18. For goodness' sake man - take an asprin and stop making a fuss.

  19. Stitch it up with some dental floss.

  20. umm call an ambulance. Nice knowing you.

  21. Well you still have enough energy and blood flow to get onto the computer, so I say slap a bandaid on it.

  22. Hmmm..if true. call 911. If not, then, OOPS.

  23. I would that even if you could fix it yourself it would be safer just to go to a hospital immediately. You don't have to worry about jail if you're dead

  24. sure just wriggle it about and make the hole bigger, then just pull it out and sick on a plaster, thats nothing compared to when i shot my head off last week

  25. weird

  26. good it may stop you asking stupid questions

  27. You need to get to the hospital ASAP. If you have a perforated lung, it could collapse.

  28. no. hospital. now.

  29. No you cant fix this your self!!! go to the hospitalbefore you bleed to death!

  30. bet that was a bolt from the blue

  31. You will be ok,just rub some alcohol on it and put a bandaid over it.(oh,yea.pull the arrow out first).

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