
Was just wondering,why a Sonic Drive-in,is not anywhere in Canada,I think it would do real good there.Thanks.?

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Have only found 1 Sonic Drive-in in Michigan.Have there been any thoughts about a Sonic Drive-in,in Ontario?




  1. i dont know of any sonics up there, but sonic is great, maybe you sholud open a franchise in toronto

  2. They are more common the further south you go.  It is too cold up north to sit in the car and eat in the winter.

  3. We don't need any more fast food joints in Ontario. The ever expanding waist line of many North Americans would do better with a more healthier choice than buying food at yet another fast food place.  

    But, it probably would do well.  It might be good competition for our Tim Horton's that seem to be on every corner block in Ontario.

  4. I love Sonic Drive-in,I want some in New York State. I think it might be because of the cold weather.who wants to be in a cold car eating,you can not go inside to eat.The one I went To was in Virgina .

  5. You're preaching to the choir.  I think we need a Sonic Drive-In in Ohio.  I think they would do awesome here as well.  It's wasted money if they keep playing their commercials here and have no product.

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