
Was last nights UFC championship match rigged?

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your opinions..........




  1. That leg got punished, real bad.  I'd like for any of the baboons who think that it was rigged to try to throw a hard right hand with your lead leg trashed.  It ain't happening, as you saw.  At worst it was a draw, no way Jackson whould have been given a frekin way.  If that is what you think then you are just a blind fan with no knowledge of the game.

  2. No. It was a good fight.  Griffin and Jackson both fought great.

  3. No, close fight but Forrest did win

  4. Rampage's downfall was the loss of his punch. Punching power comes from the legs, and Forrest took out Rampage's left leg in the second round. Rampage couldn't stand on it properly and had to spend a lot of time protecting it, this reduced the power and effectiveness of his punch. It equalized the fight a bit, and from there Forrest could dominate.

  5. thats stupid..why would Rampage go out there and look like a fool..I dont agree with u at all

  6. I think the both did great and they kicked a**

  7. that gash in his eyelid says it all.griffin had his cage rattled a number of i said they probably didn't want to see griffin crying like when jardine whipped his ***.

  8. NO doubt about it every second of it!

  9. Ok for all of you who think that Rampage got robbed. I fight MMA I have lost a decision and I though I should have won. Well if you have never been a judge then you don't know. Judges are that judges its like being in a beauty contest just more blood. The areas that are judged are:

    -Clean Strikes- both fighters had but Rampage more wild thats a point off.

    -Effective Grappling- Well we all know how Rampage fells about this he doesnt do it more points off.

    -Octagon Control- Griffin controled the gon for almost the whole fight.

    -Effective Aggressiveness- The fact that Girffin stood in and took punches and had a few number of knock downs after some of the heavy hits he charged in and countered this gave him an advantage.

    So please before you go all oh he got robbed on use look at the scoreing system. In mma you dont whine about the desicion you do somthing about it. Just goes to show that Rampage was under trained should have came harder.

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