
Was my cat stressed?

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I left on holidays for a month and my cat had bit all the hair off of its tummy and there is a huge bald patch now.

It was taken care of while I was gone though.

When I came back it never did that anymore and it seemed to be alot happier then what I heard while I was gone.

Also why do Cats get stressed?




  1. Cats don't like change and it can stress them out a lot.  By you leaving, it caused the cat stress.  Since you've come back the cat is happy again.  I would talk to you vet to see if there is something you can give the cat while you are away next time to keep it from getting too stressed.  Also, there are things like Feliway spray that can keep your kitty gives off happy pheramones.

  2. Yes she probably was stressed. Bless her, she missed you.

    Any animals get stressed when they're prevented from displaying natural behaviour or from living their lives naturally. We place a lot of demands on them by keeping them in houses, often with other cats which isn't natural for them. They therefore do not cope well with changes to their routine or environment, even small ones. You being away changed your kitties environment and upset her!

    For next time you're away you might consider getting a Feliway diffuser. This contains cat pheromones and is very useful in all situations of stress for a cat.


  3. Being a Cat person Like I am,

    Imagine being a young child and having ones parents leave for a long period of time not knowing where they went or when they will return, She worried herself so much she chewed the hair off. This was her way of dealing without you.

    Also why do Cats get stressed?

    Answer: Why do people get stressed?

    When you can answer that question then you will have answered your own question.

    Cats are like people in many ways and can relate to people or Help with some of there Medical Relief as well.
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