
Was my dad wrong?

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my boyfriend bought me underwear for my birthday. My dad freaked out and told me I could never see him again. I have been dating him for 3-4 months so its not like love yet, but i really like him. I am upset because I feel like its not my dads right to tell me who i can and can't date. Im 15 and my boyfriend is 14 but he is turning 15 in like 2 months




  1. no, your dad cant tlel you who you can or cannot date, BUT he can stop you from seeing him. The whole underwear thing - no. that is for more mature older people. not at 14-15. if he gave that to you, that means he wants to see it on you, and that means he wants s*x. your father sees that, obviously hes going to freak. so sit down with him and try talking about the situation. and let him know if you are or are not havig s*x to reassure him. you dont have to tell him averything but fill himin on things so like that other stuff wont be such a surprise to him later.

  2. i don't think it was the best idea to show your dad that present. your dad just thinks its disrespectful of him, and probably thinks you guys are having s*x.

  3. 15 is WAY too young to be buying your undies. My husband doesn't just buy me underwear. If my daughter got some at 15 I would assume that the boy is not embarrassed to buy you underwear for a reason and I would kill him.

  4. MHnurse - I agree 100 percent!  Did they fit?  ;)  If they were a few sizes too big, I might take it a bit easier on him!

  5. OK sweetie, I think the unders is a sweet thing he did for you, and I get the impression dad went a bit overboard on it.  He's a dad, and YOUR dad, and like any good father, he is  trying to protect his little girl from the evil boys that he thinks are going to try to get you out of those panties.  Give him some time, then go and ask him to talk with you wuietly about this.  Let him know what you are feeling, and how your bf was just being thoughtful.  Let dad know that you are very appreciative of him being the knight guarding your castle, and how much you love him for it.

    He'll come around

  6. Your dad does have the right to tell you who you can and cant date.  Your still a kid.  And the only reason a bf would buy his gf underwear is because he wants to see them on her, meaning they are having s*x, and your way to young to have s*x.  So no your dad was not wrong.

  7. I think it's inappropriate for a boyfriend of only 4 months to buy underwear for his girlfriend. I would have freaked out if that ever happened to me, at any age. You're dad might have overreacted, but only a little. Maybe talk to your dad about letting you see your boyfriend, as long as it's with group dates, or at your houses when parents are home. Just talk to him about it, and don't whine to try and get your way.

  8. I honestly think it is a little weird and young for a 14 year old to be buying you underwear.  You dad freaked because he probably thinks now that the two of you are having s*x.  Maybe you are.  It freaks me out because I have a 14 year old and I can't even imagine him buying underwear for his girlfriend let alone having s*x.  If your having s*x at age 15 it kind of is your dads right.  You are his little girl and he is just looking out for you.  Also, you are living under his roof so he does have the right.  Be glad that you have a dad that cares so much about you.

  9. Sorry, hun, your dad has every right to freak out!  A boy buying you underwear is kind of a sure indication that you are having s*x, whether you are or arent.

    Your father is trying to protect you, and though right now you probably resent that, trust me...if your boyfriend isnt smart enough to get you an appropriate gift for your birthday...what else isnt he smart enough to know?  For example, NOT to get an STD, NOT to get pregnant, to use protection, to make you feel like a princess,... how to show your parents respect, to put YOU first!

    Think about it...entirely inappropriate...I dont have kids yet, but when I do, if a guy buys my fifteen year old daughter underwear, I dont care how old he is, I'd move out of state!

  10. My mom is the same way. It's a parent thing. They think that your boyfriend [at this age] shouldn't buy you things like that and that it's sending sexual messages. It's kinda like him buying you s**y PJs or something like that.

    I almost bought my boyfriend boxers. My mom's face was priceless :P

  11. all i can say is that he's a dumbass. buy an underwear for a girl you know for 3-4 months is a bad move, like seriously

  12. that is retarded just undies ...i give all my friends undies for christmas and they take it as a joke

  13. As a father, I feel that such a gift is quite inappropriate.  Generally, when we give someone something to wear as a gift, we do so because we think that they will look good in the garment and would like to SEE them wear it.

    I dont care if they were cotton, granny panties, it was an inappropriate gift.  

    They only thing that I would have done differently would have been to explain to the both of you why this was inappropriate.  Then, I would have separated the two of you.

    To address your statement regarding whether or not your father has the right to tell you whom you may and may not date: He is your father and he has all the rights.  Consider yourself lucky he doesnt beat your smart little @ss!

  14. I think it's normal to freak out, but it's your body and I do not think parents should always be the ones making decisions about their teenager's bodies. You are not property and only you own your body.

    I think your boyfriend made a wrong move, but your dad overreacted by banning you from seeing him. Teens have s*x, people need to get over it and get used to it.

  15. dad is just being a father that sends a bad sign panties for your b day your not grown and should not be getting those kinds of gifts from a boy why not perfume or something that just sends the wrong signal i would have to agree with pops but i wouldn't say you couldn't see him again i would let you both know that the gift was unapproved
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