
Was my eyedoctor being a rude ***? how would u handle this???

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i dont like my eye doctor he's an ***. so anyway a long time ago i went there to get contacts cuz i was tired of wearing glasses. he said that i have a stigmatism n that they dont make disposable contacts for those, only the glass ones n they cost a lot of money. he also said he didnt think i was responsible enough to wear contacts. so i left n i went to pearl vision n asked about contacts n they said i could wear them. so since then i been wearing contacts but i never told my eye not sure why.

so i went to him a couple days ago cuz the insurance covers him n i figured that my contacts would be cheaper from him. he asked me how long i been wearing them. i lied n i told him only a couple of years. he asked me where i bought them n i told him pearl vision. then he was like, "why didnt u come here n buy them from me?" n i didnt really know wat to say, i didnt wanna tell him he was being an idiot a few years ago. so i just shrugged. n he did this fake laugh n was like, "u could of just came to me n bought them from here."

then tells me he wants to dialate my pupils. i was like "i gotta go to work right n cant get them dialated." he was like, "where do u work?" i was like "i work at coldstone." n he was just being an *** n said, "well u can have the customers serve themselves icecream. i dont think its that hard. why should u serve them" i just wanted to beat the **** outta the ****. idk if he was trynna be funny or sumthin. he was coming off as an ***.

anyway, i didnt order contacts from him n im gonna look for a new doctor.

but wat would u do in this situation? am i just overreacting?




  1. I dont think your overreacting. But you did tell him about contacts. And they are suppose to give you comfort and be nice to you. That really sounds like he was an ***. I would switch eye doctors. If he asks why. Just say that he wouldnt give you contacts when you asked for them.  And that sometimes he came off as a little rude. I hope this helped. :-)

  2. I guess it depends on his tone, but either way, if you are uncomfortable with any of your doctors you should find one you like.

    He was not being an *** by refusing to give you contacts the first time though. Remember, he would have made a profit, and he obviously wasn't after that. Contacts, if not cared for properly, can give you vision threatening eye infections and he did not want to be responsible for putting your eye sight at risk.

  3. No, I don't think you're over-reacting.  Anytime that someone makes you feel uncomfortable in anyway should be cause for concern.  If I were you, I would find another doctor.  

    Its also unethical of him to ask why you didn't buy the contacts from him, they can't do that.

  4. Yeah he was rude but how were you talking to him? Young adults have a tendency to be a holes and sarcasm can give you a different reaction than kindness. Just a thought when I read your msg. Not saying that you are but giving you a different perspective. Good luck.  

  5. If all this is true, you need to find a new eye doctor.  You do not have a good working relationship with this one and you need to be able to trust your healthcare providers.

  6. Your doctor was being very rude and unprofessional.  He also lied to you about the availability of contacts in your prescription.  You are right to go elsewhere and never look back - go to someone more professional, he just wants to get your money.  You can also buy contacts online after you have your new prescription, or try 1-800-Contacts.

  7. yeah he's a d.i.c.k

    1st you cant let him intimidate you

    of course he gone talk s.h.i.t cause he want that business(money)

    just like if a fat person try on a shirt at the store  9 out of 10 do you really think the salesperson is gonna tell them its too they want that sell

    be comfortable with making your own decisions

    he aint payng your bills or going to work for you so why should he tell you where to spend your money....

    learn how to adapt under pressure

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