
Was my fiance wrong to say this to me?

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While my fiance and I were standing at the cash register at the store today, the cashier couldn't ring up one of my items so I said that I would go back to the same shelf to go get another one. On my way back to the shelf, a particular gentleman grabbed me by my arm and yelled hey. I pulled back from him and yelled "Excuse Me!" and walked away. When I came back to the register, I was very upset and I told my fiance what happened. The first thing he said to me was "Oh, why didn't you say anything?" I couldn't believe what I heard because I yelled at this young man to let go of my arm, and I continued walking and minding my own business. My fiance made it seem like I just stood there helplessly when I didn't. The most ironic part is that this incident happened only a few feet away from the register where he was standing. Am I wrong for being a little upset with him?




  1. I don't understand the situation here. Was the guy hitting on you? In that case, your fiancé should have at least been concerned.

  2. I may have been very slightly annoyed, but this isn't something that would have my panties in a twist either. He's interpreting it as he heard it from you, not necessarily how it happened, so what he said may not have any merit. Since you seem to be able to take care of yourself, I'm not sure why your mad at your fiance.

  3. Yes you are wrong for being upset w/ your fiance, you shouldnt put the blame on him you should carry yourself like a strong women that is what your fiance is looking for , that's probably why he got a little irritated at you because he wants to know that you can handle yourself in situations like that. like maybe telling your fiance how you cussed that fool out for doing whatever he did and jerked your arm so hard he fell into the tomatoe stand and rolling your eyes so far back in your head you spooked him,  i dont think this situation was that bad to the point where you had to get all upset about. men can be rude especially when they call themselves trying to hit on us, they grab they yell out but we have to let them know up front what the deal is and move on, you dont need to tell your fiance everytime that happens. not unless you were intentionally trying to make him feel jealous but then it backfired on you cause you thought the situation was serious and that he needed to beat the guy up or somthing, i dont know but i commend your fiance for not kicking up foolishness all because of your sensitivity, next time just handle yourself and keep your composure and show your fiance that you are strong and these men cannot just grab on you w/ out you snapping on them. im not trying to be mean but girl it's too much violence in the world for you to be irritated just because your man didnt cause a scence that could have been very ugly. good for him!!

  4. my hubby would have wacked him over the head for me or at least asked the guy what the h**l was his problem touching you

  5. nope!

  6. Mmm, I would be a little upset too. But, not for what he said (that sounded like a guy being, well, a guy) I would be a bit angry for him not stepping up and telling the guy something himself.

    Maybe he just saw that it wasn't a big deal (though it was creepy)

    I understand you being upset, you should talk to him about it and tell him that he made you feel like you didn't do anything about it when you did.

    Good luck!

  7. I don't know if I would be offended by your fiance's reaction. Maybe it's just that you are upset that he didn't react to what the guy did. My husband is very very passive and it frustrates me to no end when he just lets things slide that other people say to me. But it's part of who he is, and one of the main reasons I love him is because he is so laid back. Maybe my husband and your fiance are alike in that sense.

    If it upsets you this much that he acted (that is, by not reacting) this way, then talk to him about it. You two are engaged and need to be honing your communication skills for the years ahead. Tell him why it upset you and also tell him how you expected and hoped he would react. And then go from there.

    Good luck :)

  8. I think your fiance was just trying to be protective of you.  He was upset that he didn't notice the incident and missed a chance to be there for you.  Don't get upset.  Give him a kiss.  Tell him he's still your hero.

  9. well u better than me b/c i wouldve probably cussed him out or hit the guy that pulled my arm, things like that i tell my hubby on the spot so he can handle it. thats 1 thing i can say about my hubby HE HAS MY BACK REGARDLESS!!!!! he kick a** and ask questions later lol i love him!!!

  10. if another man hits on you then your man should be flattered right? just get over it right? it's not Worth the fight!

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