
Was my friend Possesed?

by  |  earlier

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This is a rather long story, but it is very interesting. I had to cut down the story to put it up here, but if you want more details, just shoot me an email.

Last night, myself and a group of friends visited a familiar hollow (Reymeyers hollow) which is claimed to be Haunted by the spirit of a Witch who had owned the property many years ago, and was burned to death by townspeople. In that area he had done a great deal of witchcraft and is said to have opened up a portal to h**l.

-last night, we visited a part o fthe property where a young girl had drowned in the past. We were walking around the small pond, frequently snapping pictures, and on my camera i had cought a very prominant milky white object. After that picture was taken my friend seemed freaked out and began yelling profanities to the witch and to the young girl who had passed away in the pond.

After about ten minutes he grew very quiet and said he had trouble breathing, and he seemed to begin acting out of character. He grabbed my camera and rapidly began taking pictures as he continued yelling profanities, as the camera flashed, behind him and a bit to the side i saw a white figure standing right in front of me, and it sent a large chill down my back.

We decided to head back to the cars, and as we headed up, my friend ran back to the pond by himself, and began talking to himself and looking around frantically. When he got back to the car he began throwing up profusely and uncontrolably. And When we finally left, some of my friends rode in his car, and as some of us followed behind them we saw his car take off rapidly. -He was going 85 around hairpin turns and made the passengers in his car begin to cry.

When we arrived in the walmart parking lot, he was nothing like himself, he wouldnt talk to anyone and begin driving rapidly around th parking lot. When he finally stopped and parked, another guy approached him while he was sitting in his car, when he sat down in my friend's car, he said that he had classical music blairing and the hott air on high, but that a very cold breeze coming from his side of the car.

And he said that we had to go back to 'his place' (reffering to the hollow) and he said he felt so good and happy.

When he got out of his car i approached him and he said, c'mon we need to go now 'everybody is waiting for us down there!' (no one else was in the hollow with us) when he said that i questioned who 'everybody' was, he just repeated 'everbody down there' and stared at me. In that moment i have never felt anything like that, his eyes seemed dark and seemed to pierce something inside of you. I shared this experience with my friends and they said they had all experienced it as well.

My friend insisted that we go back, so we headed back to the hollow, and as we passed the house of the witch, he sing-songed, 'Reymeyer's on his porch.'

When we arrived in the hollow, he ran without a light down to the pond, mumbling to himself, pushing his girlfriend out of the way, the way he was acting was not him. Some of the boys followed my friend down and said that he was going aroudn the pond pointing out places where sspirts were, and began talking like one: 'All these people come down here with their lights and noise, and disturb us, we are not happy.'

he then began throwing up a lot again, and we all felt a completely uncomfortable feeling again. We decided we needed to leave when everyone shared a feeling of lack of breath and had a hard time breathing, and had a lot of chest pressure.

When we got back to the car, oru friend seemed back to himself, and couldnt remember everything that happened. He denied everything that he did.

It was a very eerie experience, we caught a lot of evidence on film, and we know for a fact that, something came over our friend last night. His gaze was piercing and the way he was talking was completely unlike him.

What do you think?




  1. Either

    A.) Your friend was putting everyone on; having fun. I had a couple friends growing up who would try to fool everyone with outlandish stories or behavior and not let anyone else in on the charade for weeks, months, or even years.


    B.) You're lying. You've woven a fancy, albeit unlikely tale (I mean, come on, 85 mph around a hairpin turn is an impossible maneuver for any commercially-made vehicle suspension).

    I think I chose B. The only "evidence" provided was a picture of what is clearly smoke. The smoke originates from outside the picture frame and is illuminated by the camera's flash. I'm not being rude or putting you down, I am, however, calling you out. I think you're making it up. You have an overly elaborate story to justify one easily explained photograph. Where are the other photos? Where is the extraordinary evidence to match these extraordinary claims?

  2. Oooh must be a ghost or something..

    omG i would of been TOTALLY freaked out  

  3. I think that you can shorten the story up, spice it up with a little

    romance. Remove some of the white-trash elements, such as "hollow"

    and "Walmart". Maybe move the scene to somewhere more

    cosmopolitan, such as Chicago or New York. Make it a

    practicioner of Santaria or something... learn to spell


  4. first off you repeated your self alot in that story, you could have shortned it. second, your friend sounds like he was playing a trick, if you knew anything you would know what happens when someone really gets posessed, by anything. the portal to h**l not likely because if something is going to come through it's not gona leave it's door open for just anyone. no was for the rest of the group getting heavy chested and breathing funny, that's called suggestion. you can do it in any group of people if enough people are saying one thing the rest of the peoiple are going to say it too so they don't feel like idiots. as far as your picture goes, that's smoke, ima  smoker and have had many pictures ruined by my smoke. i dont care what you say. and you need to stop going to places that have supposed hauntings and legends, and do some real research, find the good **** don't waste your time with witches and drowned children. seriously do you think that if a child drowned somewhere they would stay there forever, and what the h**l would make the witch stay there? okay that's enough time wasting for now.

  5. I completely believe in ghosts and find them so interesting.

    do you have any more photos that you could send me?

    i would really appreciate it.

  6. No, your friend was not possessed. Possession is just a myth. No spirits, ghost demons etc can possess anyone. Demons do not exist. All the evidence suggests that ghosts and spirits do not exist either.

  7. Honestly I have no idea, maybe he was or a health problem that has occured before but hasn't said anything

  8. No. No one has ever been possessed by anything. People become obsessed but only in movies and tv shows are people ever actually possessed. You see there has to be something to there to do the possessing - but there is no such thing capable. The human mind is the only thing that can have such an effect. Please ask you friend to seek medical help. He could be in need an evaluation. It could be a long term health issue if you do not tell him to seek help. This is his only danger.

    Nice story by the way.

  9. If he "was" possessed, then he still is and you need to get him a priest because the only way to be un possessed is an exorcism.  

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