
Was my helping out of line?

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my son had his friend over to spend the night, and my son thought it would be funny to lace his friends food with ex-lax. well his friend didnt make it to the toilet in time. so i told him i would was his pants. thekid only brought one pair of pants because it was a spur of the moment idea. well he needed something to wear wehile his pants and underwear were getting clean. well i dont have a husband, and my son is to small of size. my daughter luckly is close in size to him. so i threw a pair of her jeans ( only ones i could find were those low rise with no pockets on the butt) and a pair of cheap panties for him to wear. i told him he has to wear the underwear too cuz i dont want him ruining her jeans. he then asked if she had sweat pants. i said only tight ones. he said thanks ill wear these jeans. he was very greatful and didnt complain about wearing them. but my son kept making fun on him. and told his mom, and she flipped out on me for making him wear cloths. did i do wrong? or should i have let him sit in his own waste the rest of his stay? i know what my son did was wrong and he has been punished but still i was just trying to help




  1. If i was that kids mom, I would be thankful. So she must have some problems. I think that was very kind.

  2. check your homeowner's insurance policy in case someone chooses to sue.  

  3. Wow!!!! You were way outta line to allow your son to do that (and please don't say you had no idea). To give the boy girl clothes that were plain and simple girl clothes was a STUPID idea and then to allow your son to make fun of him. You should have let him wear your son's small clothes or wrapped a towel on him until his mother got there or his clothes were clean. Your lucky that wasn't my son because me and you would have had a HUGE problem and I would've also pressed charges on you for the ex-lax situation. He could have been allergic or gotten really sick. Maybe since you can't think very well you shouldn't allow other people's children at your home.

  4. What if the kid was allergic to the ex-lax, Ya I think that was wrong.  

  5. No, you weren't in the wrong, you were just trying to help and do the best with what you could, but maybe you could of rang his parents and asked to bring some clean pants for him, or did you ask him if he wanted to call home to get some clean clothes?

    Glad your son got a consequence, what he did is not on, and heck if that's how he treats his friends I don't want to know what he would do to his enemies.

    ***EDIT*** - well that just changes the whole outlook on it, at those ages, what on earth is the other mum's problem then? he's old enough to fend for himself, wow, how strange she would flip out over that. you were only helping and omg wow what a lame thing to flip out about. poor kid, It sounded before like they were much younger then that. so age plays a big part there. The other mother just need to take chill pill.

  6. How old are the boys? I think that would have a lot to do with how it was handled and how as a parent I would react.

    I do think his family should have been called to come with clean clothes and that he should have been allowed to stay in the shower/bathroom with a robe or even a bath towel to wrap around his waist until his family arrived. I do not agree to children being forced to wear clothes of the opposite gender and if this had happened to my child I would have been furious too. The first thing you should have done is call the parents and ask them to come and help. Sometimes "accidents" and "jokes" such as this prank have some pretty lasting memories on the recepant. With your son lacing the food and intentionally making someone sick and then laughing at the clothes he was forced to wear... I'd say the friendship was over.

    So yes I think you and your son were both wrong in this case. Your son would not like this to happen to him and I do see this as a form of bullying.  

  7. 18 and 19 yr olds are old enough to A know better and B it was only for a short period of time if it was a pain he could of gone and got clean clothes...better still at that age he could of driven home and picked up clean clothes before he stayed over so you were not in the wrong and really his mum must be babying him i would find it funny and ask for photos (always good at a 21st) next time let him walk around in his poo or with nuthing on and then watch his mum go nuts at you

  8. i think you did the right thing  she was probably more upset about why it happened then the clothing. you could explain to her that you felt it was best. you could have let him wear a towel around his waste but then there's the whole naked thing & thats not good. It depends on the age too but if you were sincere & trying to help then theres nothing you could really do right now just let her calm down you did what you thought was right & she'll get over it.

  9. Ok nothing against you but 18 and 19 they should both be old enough to know better. Laxatives can be dangerous and the other boy my god why would he complain to his mom. If he is 18 or 19 he had the right to say he did not want to wear those clothes if his mom is pissed off she should have taught him to stand up for himself. I could see her problem if he was 5 but 19 geesh.

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