
Was my kitty depressed when I was gone?

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I went to camp for a week, and when I came back, my 2 year old cat Olivia followed me around EVERYWHERE. My mum says she barely moved when I was gone, and she didn't eat a lot. Was she depressed when I was gone?




  1. Aww, poor sweetie!  Yes, of course she was depressed!  :)  Her momma had left, and she missed you.  My cats get that way sometimes too if we leave for long periods of time.  Contrary to popular belief, cats are very loving, sweet, and caring animals (especially if they pick you as THEIR favorite).  lol.  Whenever we leave for more than a day, I get my niece to cat-sit for me.  She'll not only feed them, but she'll spend time with them by giving them luvins and playing with them.  It's not the same, but it helps!  One more thing you can do is to put something where they sleep that has your scent, i.e., an old shirt or a teddy bear.

  2. Your kitty most likely was sad that you were gone. Cats are all about habits and you not being around broke her daily routine. Cats are habitual creatures and I'm sure they realize that their main person (you) are gone away and probably wonder when you'll be back. For instance, I go away for work for about a week sometimes and my roommates tell me that Chester Copper-pot (my kitty) will howl and cry at nights when I'm not home. Your kitty is following you around making sure you won't leave again...but don't let that stop you from going away again...Kitties will bounce back...especially if you bring them a toy!

  3. May be a little lonely

  4. My cat did the same thing when i was on vacation in Georgia she came up to me and had the sades eyes. I just petted her for while i think she just missed you

  5. Its funny, when I get back from a trip my cat is always first.  Once he relizes I am back for good he gets crabby and mad at me for leaving :).  It dosent last long

  6. Yes, she missed you.

    My cat started out as the office cat where I worked.  She eventually adopted me as mom, and whenever I was out I was always told that she would wander the department.  She would stop at other people's desks, meow, look at my desk/chair, sit in my chair, etc.  She was always restless when I was gone.  Now that she's mine, she greets me at the door and stops to look behind her as she trots away to make sure I am following her.  If she can hear me but not see me because she is behind a door, she will cry and bang on the door.  If I leave a room for what she must think is too long, she comes looking.  When she finds me, she looks up, c***s her head, and lets out a very plaintive meow as if to ask, "Where'd you go?"

    You're lucky.  I know cats who snub their people when they come back from a trip.

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