I was 8 days overdue when I finally started going into early labor on my own, went from 20 the whole time since 37 weeks to 100 percent effaced in 1 day and 1 cm dilated finally dialted! but when I went there 4 pain meds they induced bc they found out I had suddenly become mildly pre-eclamptic and so I had to be induced with pitocin. I got induced at around 11 pm and by 430 am about I was 9 cm then at 5 am about 10 cm and by 647 am my daughter was born! I got the epi around 5 am and even fell alsleep when I was supposed 2b pushing bc my daughter's head was crowning! I was on oxygen as well though. I guess I feel like I was so drugged out from the magensium sulfate, oxygen and epidural (as well as a little bit of morphine left for early pains) that I almost missed out on my labor. I know that sounds crazy but does any1 else feel that way? when she came out I didnt even know it only bc every1 said she had and then I heard her crying on the table. also my water bag came out as whole, not broken. can any1 else relate feeling like they almost missed their own child's birth bc they were on all these drugs?(the oxygen and magensium sulfate were not my choice, I ahd to bc of my blood pressure). I DO remember the contractions being horrible but the pushing part I remember not feeling anything but wanting to go to sleep. and I totally dont remember her coming out of me, I just remember my boyfriend saying she was out of me and her crying on the table. does any1 else feel like theirs went too blurry?