
Was my mailman being a jerk, or what?

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i flagged down the mailman as he was going back up the other side of the street and handed over three envelopes. they were a little too big to be put through the slot at the mail center in my neighborhood, so i had been waiting to catch him all afternoon. he told me he could take them 'this time' but in the future i had to call the post office and 'request' a pick up. wth? i thought that was part of the job description. it wasn't like i was shipping a couch - they were manila envelopes! anyone know what that was about? this is actually the second time they told me this, but the first time was about two boxes i was shipping to afghanistan to our adopted soldier.




  1. what's the deal with everyone's pissy answers?  yeesh!

    a mailman is to collect outgoing mail from residences and businesses.  countless times i have sent LARGE MANILA ENVELOPES in the mail to be delivered to clients with no complaint from the mailman.  that is his job!!!

    i find that mailmen are getting lazier and lazier since they're hiring 18 year olds to deliver mail.  jerk-offs.

  2. This is a joke right ?  Any mail that is not your standard first class

    envelope that you affix a regular stamp on, should be taken to the post office, to be weighed, make sure there is enough postage on it .. etc...

  3. He seemed pretty straight forward and fair. I think he was being nice even. You got your c**p mailed didn't you? I guess your one of those yuppies that doesn't like anybodies "tone"

  4. I think you're one of those people who expect everyone to be at your service only because "You're the customer, and the customer is to be worshiped" no matter how demanding or obnoxious. Sorry pal, but as you can see, no one here is on your side, If I were the mail man I would've ignored you. Besides, you said you "flagged him down" WTF? he is not the bum collecting cans you know? that was disrespectful to him. You should've come up to him, yes maybe he was leaving so you had to run a little so what? and then politely ask if he would please take you c**p. I'm' sure he would've taken it without the "last time" warning. So there, I hope you're nice to him the next time. Yes, the rules of common sense and courtesy apply to you too.  

  5. I get that too at work but there is a free pick up on

  6. It sounds like you are angry at the mailman because he didn't give in to you taking advantage of him. It is your responsibility to go to the post office. Hello! That is why the post office is there. He was doing you a favor doing your dirty work for you. Why sit around and wait on him all afternoon, when you could have taken it to the post office yourself? Wasn't the first time he told you sufficient? I think you are the jerk, due to your own shortcomings (lack of research on mailing procedures despite being told once before).  

  7. i think the postman's job is to deliver mail - not to actually collect it

  8. mailmen are supposed to also collect mail as well as pick it up, i agree with the above answer, idk why everyone is so anal!! thats why they have the flags on the mailbox, for pick up! but yeah he was rude he's probably lazy as h**l, its not like his job is that difficult!

  9. Yeah you have to go to the post office or get a request for something larger then a regular sized envelope, the post office has new policies due to security reasons. That they implemented like 6 months ago.

    No your Mail man was being nice to you "This time"

  10. Take any mail thats not in letter form to the post office

  11. Your mailman was actually being nice to you.  There are all kinds of regulations on what they can and cannot pick up these days...ever since the anthrax scare back in 2001.  He may have even gotten reprimanded for picking them up.  

    Next time you see him, maybe you should give him a cookie or something to make up for thinking he was being a jerk.  

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