
Was my mom right in doing that?

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its a very funny incident. i was very scared of needles n injections that doctors use.

when i was just 8 yr old, my mom took me to doctor for injection. i was not aware of that, but when i came to knew that i started shouting very loudly

it was impossible for doctor to give me injection, so my mom had to clamp her hand on my mouth to smother my screams. she kept her hand tightly pressed on my mouth until doctor was finished with his job

if she wouldnt had covered my mouth, i would have created a scene out there coz i was screaming really hard

this incident really makes me laugh till now

. now just tell me, is it possible for 8 yr old to make a noise in that situation?

my screams were totally suffocated.

do u think that my mom did the right thing at that moment? n why?




  1. Ah, I see you're back with the same moronic story that you've posted many many many times before.

    Apparently you are in need of psychiatric help.  Please, get some, and soon.  

    Stop abusing the internet.

  2. Yes she was right. You needed the shot. Plus with your screaming like a banshee you were probably terrifying the other kids in the office. I know my kids FREAK out when they hear another child screaming like that at the Dr.

  3. Wow, my first reacton to this was no!  Not that she wasn't right to hold you down but to hold her hand over your mouth was a bit extreme.  So what if you made noise as long as you still got the shot.   I've always told my kids they can yell all they want but they still get the shot and it is quicker if they don't.  We've had a lot of tears but basic cooperation.  That and the promise of a milk shake works wonders.

  4. I think she was right.  You needed the injection and that was the only way for you to get it.

    I consider that tough love :)

  5. yes, you needed the shot

  6. I work in pediatrics and we give kids vaccines no matter if they are kicking and screaming and if you are being too crazy, we will have people come in and hold you down to give you the shots.

    When you freak out like that you are most likely to hurt yourself more and make it more painful than if you were to just shut up and take it.

    Your mom did the only thing she could and i'm sure the staff was grateful that she shut you up.

  7. Yes she was, to bad.

  8. Of course she's right in doing this,it helped the problem.

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