
Was my osteopath right discharging me from his treatment on NHS?

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I have a slipped disc and a sciatica for 2 months now. NHS referred me to an osteopath but today he told me if I don't agree to have an operation he will discharge me, so he did so. I did not want to have an injection nor operation. He said if his treatments have not improve my condition by now I need an operation. But today I went privately to a physio and she said I don't need an operation just a good physio who can take care of me. Who should I trust more? To be honest I wasn't happy with the treatment I had from the osteopath as he never did any massage on me, I saw him once every 2 weeks (5 or 6 times altogether). Any advise? I will have a MRI scan next week by the way.




  1. Of course he was right in discharging.Why would he continue to see you for a condition he says he cannot treat without surgery and you refuse surgery. What would you talk to him about when you went to the surgery the next time the weather? As for the physio I am leery

    of anyone who claims they can do what a doctor can't do. GIven

    the educational level between a doctor and physio I would be more

    inclined to go with the doctor. For our American readers doctors in the NHS don't get paid by the operation as they do in the USA so the doctor has not reason to operate other than the patient's good health. As other people have suggested try the physio for half a dozen times and see if  you actually progress. Sometimes a disc will slip back into place but given the length of your symptoms this would seem unlikely.

    By the way an operation to fix a slipped disc has nothing to do with your nerve. It involves finding which disc has slipped (ie your disc is a doughnut shaped piece of tissue that separates the vertebrae in your spinal column) The surgeon opens up the area which is very easy as there is no real thick layer of tissue over your spine stretches open the two vertebrae and removes the disc. End of surgery. It is not nearly as dangerous or difficult as people would lead you to believe.  

  2. Your all sorted, maybe it wasn't great osteopathy, if the Physio is Chartered and a member of the health professions council (ask him) try some Physio and wait for your scan. A surgeon wouldn't operatate without a positive MRI anyway.

  3. Well if you refused surgery, then yes there would be no further treatment he can provide and you would be discharged; can I ask why did you not want to have surgery? It is possible that a Physio could manipulate the disc back into place, if it was me I'd have gone with the advise of the Osteopath. See what results you get with he Physio, if you don't find any improvement then go back to the Osteopath.

    As the above poster said, do be cautious with private Physio's/chiropractors, unfortunately some are more concerned with taking your money then what is beneficially best for you. It seems odd your Physio insisted he could treat you without seeing your MRI and location of the slipped disc.

  4. I have never known anyone who saw an osteopath on the NHS. Usually when you have a slipped disc you do need a disectomy. Its not usually corrected by physio or an osteopath. I would be sceptical about the private physio...sorry to say, but maybe she wants you to pay her for months of treatment when she knows its not going to cure they slipped disc. What does your orthopaedic consultant say? That is the person I would trust.

  5. Have the same problem (big time, like 2 years) saw a chiropractor and had to pay for the extra pain she caused me.....while waiting for ortho appointment..

    she told me i had chronic si syndrome (yeah right) forget physio been there done that, hyrdo etc ect ect...mri showed slipped disc and it's pressing on sciatic nerve only way around it so far is THE INJECTION on tuesday...and i am terrified but i want my life has to be done....forget the quacks get it sorted properly....good luck

  6. First have you already had a MRI, or are they guessing? You have symptoms of X, therefore you have X? If you have not had a MRI, then who knows what you have? The osteopath has given you some treatment and you are not responding, therefore they might be thinking it is not a disc problem? Likewise Physiotherapy usually deal with muscle problems and not Disc problems. It sounds to me as if no one really knows what is causing the problem and until you have the MRI, no one will know. The osteopath is correct to discharge you, if they do not have a MRI to back up the diagnosis? The term slipped disc is old and out dated, never used these days, because with a MRI they will be able to pin point any problem with a disc. Best of Luck

  7. Don't rush into an operation. (Operations= a lot of $ for the doctor. I have been told by foreign physicians that American doctors operate a lot more.....hint, hint, hint.) I definitely would try physical therapy, if one type of physical therapy doesn't work, try another one. (A doctor rushed my mom into an operation on a wrong diagnosis; she didn't have what he thought; they took organs out anyway; she's had trouble ever since.)

    I have heard about people that had back surgery and it didn't work; they had a bad outcome. I think you are right in backing off the back surgery. Your doctor discharged you because he had no other remedies that he knew of other than surgery. That's what he does. That doesn't mean that there are no other rememedies. Keep looking.

    I had back problems, had to carry a cushion with me wherever I went so I could sit; but I got healed; Jesus healed me through a lady minister with a healing ministry - Ann Pia.  Hallelujah!!!  My back feels brand new; it's been more than 10 years ago.

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