
Was my osteopath right discharging me from his treatment?

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I have a slipped disc and a sciatica for 2 months now. NHS referred me to an osteopath but today he told me if I don't agree to have an operation he will discharge me, so he did so. I did not want to have an injection nor operation. He said if his treatments have not improve my condition by now I need an operation. But today I went privately to a physio and she said I don't need an operation just a good physio who can take care of me. Who should I trust more? To be honest I wasn't happy with the treatment I had from the osteopath as he never did any massage on me, I saw him once every 2 weeks (5 or 6 times altogether). Any advise?




  1. I have the same problem as you, but for 2 years, physio, chiropractor (once, never again) hydrotherapy...nothing worked, only diagnosed 3 weeks ago after MRI (doctors gave me 2 different diagnosis before that), so I either suffer or have the injection tuesday......won't be a good day but it if helps its worth a try.......see doctor to get you into ortho, it's the only will NOT go on it's own, trust me

  2. so you didn't want to do what the osteopath suggested and went and got another opinion you like more....sounds reasonable to me, I advise you to take the advice of the professional you want to listen to.

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