
Was my teacher being sexist?

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He said to my friend and I, "stop having your girly chat and get back to work"...

Is that sexist?




  1. No, he was just pointing out that chatting about boys or makeup or stickers or whatever you talk about can be seen as girly, it would still be girly chat if boys were talking about what you were talking about.

  2. Kind of depends if it was high school or college.  We also do not know the whole, can't really say.  If he told you to "get back to work", you probably shouldn't have been talking in the first place.  That's just my opinion.  Either way, he probably shouldn't have said that.

  3. when girls talk together its officially girly theirs nothing wrong with it being girly but when girls talk it is girly your teacher wasn't being sexist he just wanted you to stop talking and work so its better off to think of him saying "stop having your chat and get back to work

  4. I'm a female teacher. I have told girls to stop their girly chat. I have told boys to stop their boy talk.

    Chill out! Teachers are just people and they make casual remarks.

  5. were you girls talking during a lecture? were you supposed to be working as a group instead of chatting? I would joke with students (actually disciplining, very sneaky and tricky) and call them out on disrupting the class---i have called girls broads and guys dudes....there is a thin line of respect (for each teacher, it is different)...I am a younger teacher so i think i get away with different language and slang better than older (or perhaps have a higher tolerance) like, "that sucks." for me, who cares, maybe it does suck as a topic, but for another teacher, they may send them down to the dean...if the teacher was disrespectful or abusive by calling you a name, go to headmaster, dean etc....if you were talking out of turn, give a bit more respect to the teacher. Man, i have a lot of time on my hands today :-) have a happy summer.

  6. No. He just means to stop talking about things like makeup or the cute boy in row 3. It's not sexist at all. After all, you are a girl and you were apparently chatting.

  7. Chill out - it was a casual remark.  For goodness sake does the whole world have to tip toe round not being sexist, ageist, fattist, thinist and any ist?

  8. dude...i think your sexist for thinking that...when girls chat its girly...maybe because there girls....

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