
Was my teacher lying to me!!!I am so ANGRY!!!?

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I was in 10th grade and i told my teacher was Thomas jefferson pregnet (it was just a joke) and she looked really mad and said yes of course!!! screaming really mad.I hate her




  1. maybe your teacher messed up and got even more mad that she got messed up. therwise, that is hilarious

  2. useless attempt of sarcasm?

  3. ok your  teacher can not take a joke.  

  4. It was dumb are you?

  5. what are you trying to ask?!!?!/!?1?1/.wemwerkhcngfkjerfgwkysdr...

  6. I don't know, you will have to tell me what pregnet is.  I've never heard of such a word, is that like Dragnet, or fishnet?

  7. You know he was not pregnant. You admit your question was a joke

    She has a right to be mad.  She is trying to teach and you are asking joke questions.  You are wasting time.  Teachers have enough stress as it is.

    You are 15, not 7.  Start acting like it.  College is in 2 years....

  8. What exactly is the question?  Was Thomas Jefferson pregnant?  Doubtful.  Was Thomas Jefferson president?  Yes, I believe the third president.  So again, what's the question?

    Don't hate...  It causes wrinkles.

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