
Was one of the reasons Roswell was so secret that it would have sent every religious fanatic into an uproar ?

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not to mention military technology which we don't have...our space shuttles are falling apart!!!!!




  1. No proof whatsoever!  As for the space shuttles, their design life was under 100 missions per shuttle.  NASA aslo expected to loose 1:100 to failure, a fact that all astronauts are well aware of.

    The alleged aliens were described as "monsters" by one of the alleged eyewitnesses.   One very valid theory put forward was that the US military were up to their normal tricks of performing experiments on people and used a modified V2 rocket to launch a few sufferers of Downes syndrome to study the effects on the human body.  The experiment horribly wrong and they were killed.

    Since then it's been a monumental coverup.

    This theory was launched as it were in a documentary done by the BBC? and the theory was from a couple of scientific types and investigators.   Given the US military's and governments track record of testing various nasties on the general population without notification I tend to think the theories postulators may have it right.

  2. falling apart? its not like were using duct tape on them.

  3. There was nothing to keep secret. No UFO crashed at Roswell.

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