
Was princess Diana having an affair wiyh Faed & one of the house servants?what so great about her morales ifso

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I think the whole royal family affair is a bunch of hogwash,these people stole pillageged,killed innocents to get their wealth and now they tax the people to pay for their expensive lifestyles & give the people nothing in return,,what a waste




  1. Diana had an affair before she divorced Charles, so she was in fact, an adultress. She later knew Dodi and it was believed she was pregnant with his son.

  2. Why does it matter NOW?  She has been dead for 10 years.  Let her rest in peace!

  3. Diana was a lovely girl, wonderful body. very s**y so of course many people claimed to have slept with her following her split with Charles, but in reality apart from Dodi there were no steady boyfriends, she could have virtually anyone so she did not need a steady relationship. As for Burell and Diana, it is laughable.

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