
Was rugby better in the days when players wore proper rugby jersyes?

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Why has rugby gone down the route of shoulder pads, tight colourless shirts with tasteless designs on them, hats for the backs, and gloves. Does it make for a better sport?




  1. You've asked more than one question here. No - I don't think rugby was better back then - I think the game has progressed. The  ref telling the players what they should or shouldn't do rather than just giving penalties all the time is a huge advance.  What they wear really makes no difference to the game.

  2. Rugby is just as bad today as it has been since it was first played.

    Hate the game

  3. Yup!...and s*x was better in the days when we had to take a welding iron to the chastity belt before we could  have a stab at our love interest between the jagged edges and the red hot shards!

    We were proper men then!...where did it all go wrong????

  4. Yes!   It was better when they wore proper rugby jerseys (just to be clear).   But I suppose that didn't put any money in the Nike and Adidas bank accounts.

  5. the all blacks havent seemed to have gone down that path.....shoulder pads/???

  6. Interesting you raise the issue of new looking strips.  

    England had a red beauty pageant looking sash design across the front.

    Wales' jersey had a very effeminate look to it with short womens sleeves and a lapel collar.  It needed stitch work to accentuate physique and was not flattering at all - even on Stephen Jones who looked like he had b*****s in some footage!

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