
Was she attacked by a demon?

by Guest21251  |  earlier

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My cousin says that something wont let her sleep at night, and she thinks its a demon or something like that. She says that she feels like if its taking her soul, and that she can feel a light weight being pushed off her when thats happening and she tries so hard to fight back and wake up but sometimes she has to keep fighting to wake herself up. She says that she feels like if shes fighting for her life. She said that one time she was sleeping and she felt the demon or whatever it was, trying again to take her soul and that she could see herself sleeping and tried to move to wake up but everything she did didnt work until finally she was inches away the light switch when it disappeared. And it only comes out at night around midnight. so whatever it is im assuming its scared of the light. She told me that its happend like 3 times already. She also told me that its changing the way she feels and cares about her loved ones. What she i do to help her or what she she do?




  1. Thanks to Deenie for giving the first (at least in the order it shows up to me) most probable and most "normal" explanation for this experience. Eliminating normal explanations is and should always be the first step in investigating any phenomena. Thumbs up for even providing links.

    If you wish to study up on the sleep paralysis - demon connection there is an excellent book on the subject entitled:

    "The Terror that Comes in the Night" by David Hufford (link below)


  2. It sounds to me she is feeling overwhelmed by guilt.  Its what we call having a witch on your back, and it is frightening to say the lease.  I think she needs to come to terms with whatever she is suppressing and forgive herself.  My view of demons are your own guilt, because the other world can not harm you in anyway.  In order for her to release this feeling is to get it out and in the open because guilt only gets worse, and sometimes suicidal

  3. she need prayer.if you want a symbol that opposes such attacks,visit aqruipnos888 in yahoo group.type yahoo group, then aqruipnos888 and you will see a symbol that will ward off evil spells.get a copy if you want.

  4. She is a good storyteller.

  5. Your last sentence freaks me out.  

    Lot of good answers here...I love Daryl _ Kangs answer!  

    Best of luck to you and your cousin!

  6. Take her to the doctor, she is not being tormented by demons but by her own mind. Proper diagnoses and medication will help her.

  7. Ask her If she is doing something that she is not supposed to like working in magic doing witchcraft reading terrah cards or anything she is not supposed to because if she is whatever is messing with her thinks he has acess at all times because she has open doorways.  And if she believes in demons then she believes in God so tell her to make sure she prays everynight and ask God to protect throughout the night and make sure she speaks it into the air that it will not bother her and tell her to do it in Jesus name.

  8. I have experienced this many times, and its called sleep paraylsis....look this up and see what reltes to the experience...its the best answer i can give you.........please do look it up...sleep paraylsis

  9. I'm very spiritual and have had spirits visit me in the night but I think its pretty obvious that this is sleep paralysis as a few other people have mentioned. The fact it happened at the same time suggests it maybe happens at the point of falling asleep.

  10. time to get rid of her cat.

    i favor house plants.

  11. Demons...come on......don't think so.

    If she is not joking and trying to scare you, I think she needs to see a psychiatrist and get some help.

  12. This could be a case of oppression as opposed to a possession. In an oppression, the spirit forces the person to do or react to things in a temporary time sleep. So she could be fine during the day but at night, the spirit attacks when she is most vulnerable.

    Have her try to sleep in another house...try to cross a river when going there too. You want to see if the spirit is connected to her or just her house.

    From there you might want to consult a local demonologist for more advice and possible POC for an exocist.

  13. maybe she's been watching horror movies and had been thinking of it over and over which makes her so paranoid and even before sleeping she kepts on thinking about it which makes her dream about it..

  14. She needs to talk to a psychologist or psychiatrist.  Sounds a lot like schizophrenia to me.

  15. Sounds like either a bad dream or sleep paralysis.

    Notice how all of her "symptoms" can have a psychological source?  Notice how all of this takes place while she's in or near the sleep state?

    So, what to do?  I don't know if there is anything that can be done.  If something seems real in a dream then it is real as far as the brain is concerned, so her panic can't really be dealt with in a rational way.  It might be a good idea to get an adult involved since it seems like she's taking this all pretty hard.

  16. cant she just sleep with a lamp on or have a torch next to her so if it comes back she can just turn the torch on.


  17. it could be some sort of schizphrenia, but it could also be a side effect of some of the chemicals that the brain releases during sleep o keep us from acting out our dreams and also to make them more vivid. when a person wakes up some of the chemicals are still effecting the body, like the neurochemical responsible for paralysis, which is why some people are sluggish in the morning and find it hard to move for several minutes. also people can have waking nightmares where dream imagery is seen as actually being there. its just your brain projecting the images through your eyes, when you think your seeing things. i had this experience once as a small child where i thought i saw an ethereal form of my father standing next to the door leading into my room. i was so terrified i started to scream, only to have the figure disappear when i looked back after ducking my head under the covers. she may be experiencing this in an extreme way quite often, which could be an indication of a chemical imbalance in the brain, which means there may be medication that can help relieve it for her. hope you find this helpful

  18. That sound more like night terrors.Fear in nightmares can trigger a type of epileptic fit during sleep that can be vary frightning.Apon waking you can still be paryalised and only move your eyes and this can be even more frightning.You think there is a demon in your room but infact there is nothing there at all.The paryalisis trigged your fear reaction and the fear trigged a evil presesce thats not really there.

  19. I can't believe no one mentioned "Sleep Paralysis"...or maybe they did & I missed it. This happens to lots of people. Once she understands this..maybe she won't be scared anymore.(If she can believe it).

  20. you need to understand who you are in the first one can take your are the incarnated soul..your body is just a physical shell or just a vehicle for your incarnated soul to occupy in. usually at night, you the incarnated soul takes flight and leaves you the physical body in bed and journeys into the astral world or inner world as we calls it...there we can be anyone in any sort of shape we want...this is a place where we get to meet everyone and anyone who we want to meet... meeting spiritual gurus, holy masters or even your higher soul...we are one incarnated and higher soul and the source...just like we need to go thru jesus christ before we can get to our father GOD. we the incarnated soul needs to go thru jesus christ - the higher soul before we can go back to our father GOD the source. what she saw was her self from the soul point of view. just like astral traveling out of body experiences. listen to your inner self its telling to tell you something. do meditation to quieten down all the noise in you head. tots are the noises that keeps you from listening to your higher soul/self who is trying to tell you something important...the light weight is just you the incarnated soul getting back into the body...sometimes you might feel as if you fell from a height, or actually falling from the bed. cos the incarnated soul always is partially around you the physical body..if the incarnated soul leaves you completely on your own...your are already DEAD!!! hope this helps...there is nothing to be frighten of...try to do some meditation to calm your mind and listen to your inner self...

  21. I would definitely recommend that your cousin talk to a youth pastor, for one thing. Secondly, she should look at her life for clues: is she into the occult? Does she have a fascination with witchcraft, demonology, tarrot cards, etc? All of these things can and do open the door to demonic activity.

    This is a very complex issue and you don't say whether your cousin is a Christian or not. Does she have understanding and knowledge of the Bible? She should pray before she goes to bed and quote scripture. This is a matter of spiritual warfare, and I would say this isn't really something that can be addressed here, but needs to involve a Christian pastor or mentor. I will pray for you cousin to sleep peacefully tonight.

  22. is she's religious, may be have her talk to her priest, deacon, pastor, rabbi, etc.

    if not, she still could. it wouldn't hurt.

    or on a more medical side, maybe she should go to the doctor for the physical aspects. like not sleeping

    and for the emotional effects. like feeling diff. about her family. if she is still in school talk to a school counselor. or go to a therapist.

  23. Get her an excorsism. if thats how its spelled.

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