
Was she just lying to me?

by  |  earlier

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my friend is 17, she told me she has a very slim chance ov having a child

would she know this? or only know this if she had been trying to concieve for years?




  1. My dr told me at 16 years old, that if I didn't have ovarian cysts removed then I only had a 50/50 chance of ever having a child.  So, she could be telling the truth.

  2. Some medical conditions don't allow your chances of pregnancy to be very high. Some stds cause this

  3. my doctor told me when i was 16 that it would be hard for me to have a baby because i have endometrosis and i had two ovarian cysts burst... so she could know this but believe me she could still get pregnant im due in 15days and i got pregnant within a month of TTC

  4. She could know this. If she has an OB/GYN. She may have very little eggs or a lazy ovary or many other things that you find out WAY before you begin trying.

  5. Yes, she could know this. There are diseases and genetic conditions that greatly reduce the chance of conceiving. Her doctor would have made her aware of this.

    Of course, the fact that it could be true, doesn't mean it is. People lie about all kinds of things for no apparent reason.

  6. Maybe her doctor told her so.  She is 17, how can she have been trying to conceive for years.  Anyway it's none of your business, it's your friend's business and you shouldn't be talking about it.

  7. She could have been to a doctor and was told she would have a clim chance of ever getting pregnant. Or she could have said that because she is on birth control and always uses protection.  

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