
Was she out of line about this?

by Guest59971  |  earlier

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I was laying in bed with my fiancee and proceeded to put my hands in my boxers/crotch and then put my hands to her face. She said it smelled "sour and tangy" and began to dry heave everywhere and threatened to kick me out if I did it again. Was she out of line??? I thought we could joke this way




  1. There's alot to be said for BASIC hygiene. Take a shower...EVERYDAY. There's not many things worse that someone who smells like a** & having to smell it all day.

    Does she shove her finger up her a** & then shove it in your face? Probably not, right?

  2. Out of line? Maybe a little but if it had ANY odor at all, NO, she wasn't... That would be like her doing that to you, it's ok for us to do it cause guys think differently....... Women are on a personal hygiene kick and we take it very seriously.... Maybe you should try it fresh out of the shower......

  3. Maybe your odor was more than she could take. Sometimes I too become nauseous at offensive odors. Perhaps if you had better hygiene, she might not have threw up.

  4. ...thats a d**k move. wash yourself and dont do that again:P

  5. Maybe you should shower more thoroughly.

  6. not if it really smelled bad... besides that's an immature thing to do, take a shower, and try being a little more romantic...

  7. Hey if you were sporting that "not so fresh" feeling down there your hand may have very well smelled like man funk. I'm hoping that's not the case here because if so you were clearly in violation and deserved to be tossed out. But if you were fresh out of the shower and were man funk free then she was out of line by treating you as though you had cooties.  

  8. No, she wasn't. You can actually get someone sick like that.  

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