
Was the 1948 convention on genocide ,hled by united nations that?

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abolished abolition or killing of large group of people,a global rule or something of that sort that was signed by every country inthe united nations ,or is a rule that has to befollowed b everyone including,countries like iran




  1. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

    Though this convention is a part of international law, and most countries follow the convention there are many problems including no provision for enforcment (a problem throughout International Law).

    The first link is to the full text of the convention.

    The second link is to the ratification status of each country.

  2. All members of the UN must abide by the rule that no genocide must occur in their country.

  3. Only one nation (Dominican Republic) ratified this convention passed by the UN General Assembly. 141 nations signed it. The U.S. signed it in 1988 with reservations on some of the language.

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