
Was the E.U right to make the French buy British Beef again after the ban?

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Was the E.U right to make the French buy British Beef again after the ban?




  1. French can buy British beef because both countries are already members of the EU and it is one of the purpose of the EU to let member countries to cooperate on trade.

  2. maybe .i am not sure

  3. The EU is a currupt over funded  French German benefit club no more no less.

  4. Well they were the ones who stopped us selling it. The EU causes more problems than it solves, more criminals, more taxes, more waste, more CO2 (caused by moving the parliament from Brussels to Strasbourg every two weeks) to name but a few. So telling the French to, import our beef is the least they can do.

  5. the French are the co founders of the EU, SO!! the very fact that they had to be made to play by their own rules just shows the chaos that the EU runs under. the French have also banned our lambs 'not' because of fears of disease, but because their farmers didn't like the competition. remember that? .....very supportive i must say. if your trying to sell the EU your doing a lousy job.

  6. they didnt 'make' the french buy it, they made the french remove their import ban. theres a difference, no one has to buy anything, its about supply and demand and prices. if literally no one in france wanted to eat british beef, it wouldnt get sold, so it wouldnt get bought by the butchers and shops in the first place.

  7. As far as I recall they did not make them buy.but while we are on about the EU I am still at a loss to understand why -we ever- got involved in the first place with it. how, have we benefited from membership? =does it outweigh the cost to the UK= ?I would question it does.

  8. yes they were!

  9. The ban was lifted but you don't have to eat it.  That is your choice.  I haven't fed my dogs Dog Food since it poisoned and killed so many animals.  It's my choice...I'll never trust them and now my pups eat better than most people and they are very happy.

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