
Was the Georgia incident orchestrated by Bush?

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This story thats emerging - that Bush has created a little USA/Russia conflict - because Americans swing to the right when threatened - seems to make some sense.

The whole Georgia thing did seem to get blown out of proportion. And I couldn't understand why Georgia did it - it just never made sense. But if he was encouraged to do it - it all starts to fit.

And all that fuss over Iran in July with it's nuclear power station. That all seemed overblown as well.

Bush probaby does want to make sure next Presidnt is from his party - but maybe he's more worried about who comes in behind him and finds out what's been going on - and tells the world..




  1. I definitely think the US was responsible. It does seem quite a coincidence that there were American military in Georgia training the Georgian military just before the conflict. Also Putin isn't stupid like George Bush and say something with no real basis to it.  

  2. No!

  3. Russia is the largest supplier of oil in the world and there is no denying that d**k Cheney had his agents there prior to the war breaking out. The Georgians were so sure that American troops were coming why??? Did little Dicky go and make promises he couldn't keep?

  4. What would the US gain from it? They are already stretched in Iraq and afghanistan. Theres no way he would willingly provoke russia into a 3rd conflict.  

  5. Of course.

  6. The only reason you would even think that the incident in Georgia was orchestrated by President Bush is that you have a need to always believe the worst in him.

    Certainly Georgia may have misunderstood some of the diplomatic messages sent by the US, but Russia has been destabilizing georgia since Putin came to power.  The actions in Georgia were orchestrated by Russia and no one else.

  7. No.  I bet you believe the US government developed AIDS to kill black people like Obama's self-acclaimed mentor does too.  You my friend are a dunce.

  8. yeah the us told the georgians to go in even though they knew the russians would you gotta ask yourself,would the georgians do so and get the c**p bombed outta themselves just for domestic us polotics?if so then both the us and georgians are seriously fuked up to do such a the answers your getting here does'nt sound like anyone has a clue.the georgians have a gas pipeline as an alternate gas supply for the us.also if anyone rekons putin is sweating over some nato ships close by then what do you think of the fact that the russians could obliterate many times over them same ships so close to russian territory.

  9. It's far more probable that the Russians are trying to influence American politics to get the weaker president.  

  10. Your going to believe Putin a former KGB Colonel taught to lie about everything.

  11. Grow up, and stop wasting peoples time with nonsense like this

  12. As Gore Vidal says about 9/11, the Bush administration arent smart enough to have orchestrated it themselves

    Where is the evidence.

  13. You make statements that are really just your opinions You really have not thought this thing out have you?

    Your edits talks of insults Did you have any idea how your silly post was insulting to Mr Bush and Americans?

  14. From CNN's Matthew Chance

    SOCHI, Russia (CNN) -- Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of orchestrating the conflict in Georgia to benefit one of its presidential election candidates.

    In an exclusive interview with CNN's Matthew Chance in the Black Sea city of Sochi Thursday, Putin said the U.S. had encouraged Georgia to attack the autonomous region of South Ossetia.

    Putin told CNN his defense officials had told him it was done to benefit a presidential candidate -- Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama are competing to succeed George W. Bush -- although he presented no evidence to back it up.

    "U.S. citizens were indeed in the area in conflict," Putin said. "They were acting in implementing those orders doing as they were ordered, and the only one who can give such orders is their leader." Watch Putin accuse the United States »

    White House spokeswoman Dana Perino blasted Putin's statements, saying they were "patently false."

    "To suggest that the United States orchestrated this on behalf of a political candidate just sounds not rational," she said.

    U.S. State Department deputy spokesman Robert Wood concurred, and labeled Putin's statements as "ludicrous."

    "Russia is responsible for the crisis," Wood said in an off-camera meeting with reporters in Washington on Thursday. "For the Russians to say they are not responsible for what happened in Georgia is ludicrous. ... Russia is to blame for this crisis and the world is responding to what Russia has done."

    When told that many diplomats in the United States and Europe blame Russia for provoking the conflict and for invading Georgia, Putin said Russia had no choice but to invade Georgia after dozens of its peacekeepers in South Ossetia were killed. He told Chance it was to avert a human calamity. First-person accounts from the center of the conflict

    The former Russian president, still considered the most powerful man in the country, said he was disappointed the U.S. had not done more to stop Georgia's attack.

    Putin recalled he was watching the situation in Georgia and South Ossetia unfold when he was at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games on August 8.

    He said he spoke to U.S. President George W. Bush, also attending, who told the Russian prime minister he didn't want war -- but Putin spoke to CNN of his disappointment that the U.S. administration didn't do more to stop Georgia early in the conflict.

    Also Thursday Putin announced economic measures which he said were unrelated to the fighting with Georgia. Nineteen U.S. poultry meat companies would be banned from exporting their products to Russia because they had failed health and safety tests, and 29 other companies had been warned to improve their standards or face the same ban, Putin said.

    Putin said Russia's health and agricultural ministries had randomly tested the poultry products and found them to be full of antibiotics and arsenic.

    While Putin repeated that the bans were not related to the Georgian conflict, they indicate the measures some Western countries -- particularly in Europe -- fear if Russia goes on a diplomatic offensive. Watch analysis of Russia's relationship with the West. »

    Russia is trying to counterbalance mounting pressure from the West over its military action in Georgia and its recognition of the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

    But Russia's hopes of winning international support for its actions in Georgia were dashed Thursday, when China and other Asian nations expressed concern about tension in the region.

    The joint declaration from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which includes China, Russia, Tajikistan, Kyrgystan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, said the countries hoped any further conflict could be resolved peacefully. Watch more on rising tensions between Russia and the West. »

    "The presidents reaffirmed their commitment to the principles of respect for historic and cultural traditions of every country and efforts aimed at preserving the unity of a state and its territorial integrity," the declaration said, The Associated Press reported.

    "Placing the emphasis exclusively on the use of force has no prospects and hinders a comprehensive settlement of local conflicts," AP reported the group as saying.

    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev had appealed to the SCO at a summit in Tajikistan Thursday to support its actions, saying it would serve as a "serious signal for those who are trying to justify the aggression."Watch Medvedev explain his reasoning to CNN »

    On Wednesday a U.S. ship carrying aid docked in Georgia, while Britain's Foreign Secretary David Miliband traveled to the Ukraine, which is worried about Russia's intentions in the region, to offer the UK's support.

    Miliband equated Moscow's offensive in Georgia with the Soviet tanks that invaded Czechoslovakia to crush the Prague Spring democratic reforms in 1968, and demanded  

  15. OMG, I bet you believe Bush was behind the 9/11 attacks also.  

  16. i think the whole conflict with Georgia  was planned and provoked by Russia, though at the same time i believe that the Georgian Government had support from the US that it wld stand for Georgias teritorial entity.

    i think that Russia has a real power ower the world, invading Georgia was his firts step and thats what the US and the rest of the world are afraid of, a new aggressor and a new and real power! no1 want the Soviet Union back but Russia

  17. this is the new Liberal conspiracy theory.  Just like the government did 9-11.  You are a moron.

  18. It comes at exactly the right time for the Republicans, and is part of the long term strategy of encircling and isolating Russia.

    Look at the antics of the other European collaborator governments - all earning their dollars.  Well, they do not speak for the people, only for their employers.  We don't want confrontation, we don't want US aggression, we don't want a cold war of US making.

    And we don't want the US empire, aka Nato.  It's time for Europe to stand at its full height and tell the US to back off.

  19. The whole story that's emerging.... No, no, that's what Poo-tin is saying to shift the blame because he's got NATO ships watching him right now.

    mickey F***n moo:  lol, very true.

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