
Was the German axial flow engine of the 262 better than the British Meteor jet.?

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Was the German axial flow engine of the 262 better than the British Meteor jet.?




  1. From a simple reliability and longevity perspective the centrifugal flow engines designed by Frank Whittle were far superior, but the German design was more efficient and advanced.

  2. Don't remember what type engine did the British Jet have in it, a ramjet?  Of course the axial flow is still used today.  With a high bypass.

  3. Definitely the axial flow is much more efficient than centrifugal, but since your question is a bit vague, cant give a firm answer.

    What is meant by better? Is it efficiency? Power? Then sure the Jumo 004 scores. The centrifugal compressor's best asset is its simplicity and usually simplicity is accompanied by reliability. So if I go to combat, I'd go with the more reliable engine.

    Reliability apart, the axial flow is way better. Thats the reason why we don't see centrifugal machinery used in propulsion anymore.

  4. The axial-flow engines produced more power than the centrifugal-flow engines used in the Meteor. However, the early axial-flow engines tended to stall if the power levers were advanced or retarded too quickly. This made aircraft so equipped vulnerable during takeoff & landing (Allied pilots took advantage of this, negating their effectiveness) Each engine type had its good & bad points, so neither was really 'better'.

  5. yes the german jet engine was better than the british jet engine. it had better efficiency, but a shorter TBO. the german engine also made more power.

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