
Was the Greenfields takeover of Council housing in essex rigged?

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Everyone i have spoken too from council housing said they voted no.




  1. They should have appointed independent auditors/advisors to oversee the consultation with tenants and leaseholders. There should have been a ballot of Council tenants and leaseholders and the ballot should have been properly supervised. If you're not happy with how the consultation process/ballot was conducted, you need to raise this with the Department of Environment/Housing Minister/Secretary of State. If there is a Council tenants/leaseholders group, raise this with them first. If a majority of you feel the stock transfer was rigged, you should take it further. The tenants group should ask the Council if they can check/audit the results/ballot forms especially if the result was by a very nqarrow margin. The Council should have given you the necessary information or be able to give you this but if you are still not happy that the ballot or the result was a fair/accurate one, I think you need to raise it with the Secretrary of State/Minister for Housing or the Department of Environment.

  2. politicians do lie you know.   in answer it would be illeagl if the they voted no and it happened anyway.. but thats what corrupt government does.   just look to see what EU'ski rules and laws applied you will be shocked im sure

  3. of course it was. local councils have allways been run by local business men lining their own pockets. this is no different. there will be a lot of very fat bank accounts secretly tucked away within that deal. Britain is governed by cheap petty crooks' from council to parliament'.

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