
Was the League of Nations a good and viable idea?

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Was the League of Nations a good and viable idea?




  1. In man's eyes it was a great idea. They promised "peace and security", even declaring a year of peace in 1989. But if you look at history it has shown that nothing permanent has come from those promises. Infact, during the "year of peace" in 1989, millions were killed in war. This just goes to show you that no matter how noble the efforts are, if imperfect man is trying to bring them about, it will not work.

    We must look to God's Kingdom.

  2. Don't know why stricting_gaming's going on about 1989 - the League of Nations was abolished in 1946!

    I wouldn't normally advocate getting information from wikipedia for something like this, but I'm going to make an exception as this is actually pretty good:

    So yes, a good idea in theory, but with severe flaws.  Basically, their lack of an armed force cost them, because it meant they had no real power against countries using force.

  3. no, and anything else that follows its steps neither will be.

    proof is today's life, today's wars, today's hunger .. etc

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