
Was the Olypic opening the best show ever?

by Guest67077  |  earlier

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or do you know any other happening that was better??

honestly I know one event which was it wasnt the fanmile in Berlin 2006...

...rather the day of the German Unit 2007.

the location was an old castle in north Germany with a fantastic lasershow...

there you can see thats actually a castle... was not IN a castle, rather the castle was was open air.

next year is the 20th birthday of Germany =D and Im exited for the "birthday party" then...


do you know any similar nice shows like the olympic opening???




  1. Unless you were actually at the event live it is hard to say how great it was.  The news has indicated that some of the show was actually computer generated / enhanced for the tv broadcast.  Additionally, the girl that was singing one of the songs was actually behind camera while they had a pretty girl in front of the camera lip sync.  

  2. no way, i think the 2008 olympics opening was the best by far.  I'm excited to see what the 2010 winter olympics opening will be like! :)

  3. The opening and closing ceremonies were unsurpassed as was the content.

    I fear for 2012 that the UK will not even come close to that spectacle.

  4. NO, the best Olympic opening show will be in 2036

  5. I can't remember any show that impressed me more than that! it was fascinating xD

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